
The push to diversify Colorado’s cannabis industry

The disparity is frustrating… because before Colorado OK’d marijuana, Black and brown Centennial Staters bore the brunt of drug enforcement efforts. In fact, according to data from the American Civil Liberties Union, Black people are nearly four times more likely than white people to be arrested for marijuana possession nationally. Legislation matters, says Woodson, who promotes a…


The potential (and peril) of legalizing psychedelics

Oregon appears to be embracing the psychoactive substances… entheogens… psychedelic renaissance… [but keep in mind]… Embedded in the introduction of psychedelics into contemporary society are issues of biopiracy, which occurs when corporations use patents to privatize nature and restrict its use… the medical model also lends itself to exploitation by pharmaceutical companies. Psilocybin mushrooms, for…


Oregon decriminalizes small amounts…

The Oregon measure makes possession of small amounts of what have long been considered harder drugs a violation, similar to a traffic ticket, and no longer punishable by jail time. Possession of larger amounts could result in misdemeanor charges, and some cases that rise to what is considered a commercial level could still be charged as felonies.…


Congressman introduces new bill to abolish civil forfeiture

[Civil Asset Forfeiture Elimination Act to repeal civil asset forfeiture nationwide.] Since 2000, the U.S. Department of Justice and the Treasury Department have collectively forfeited at least $45.7 billion in revenue …would prohibit the federal government from using civil forfeiture, which lets law enforcement take cash, cars, and other valuables from people never charged with…


Psilocybin… next star in functional food after cannabis…

The Canadian government has recently allowed people in the country with terminal illness to posses and consume psilocybin mushrooms, and later granted 16 healthcare professionals the same exemptions. Over-the-counter [OTC] happened with some of the older medications — they were initially available at drugstores for prescriptions only… but… people with very specific medical problems, such…


…forward with [Oregon measures 109 & 110]…

The Governor’s Budget invests $112.6 million to implement Measure 110 which decriminalizes possession of drugs and invests $5.6 million to begin implementing Measure 109, which legalized psilocybin for medicinal use as a potential treatment for behavioral health disorders… The budget recognizes the enormous need for behavioral health services and includes significant funding for substance use…