
Kratom will remain legal for days, possibly longer

“The ban would eliminate a substantial harm-reduction option for recovering addicts of other substances… and once stockpiled supplies dry up, people will buy more on the black market without being able to hold vendors accountable for what’s in the product.” Susan Ash, founder of the American Kratom Association, estimates that 60 percent of kratom users…


Big Pharma’s patents on kratom alkaloids expose real reason DEA is banning this plant

“Currently, the pharmaceutical industry is using kratom alkaloids to manufacture synthetic opioids…kratom will be illegal, but the synthetic patented and monopolized version will not.” Cannabis is a schedule one substance but the pharmaceutical industry can manufacture a synthetic version of the same active ingredient in cannabis, THC, and it magically becomes legal. As Cassius Kamarampi…


The case for legalizing psychedelic drugs

It does mean that psychedelic drug use can be explained in evolutionary terms as a “hack” that enables transcendent states to be reached quickly. If this story is true, what are its implications? One is that psychedelic drug use is no different, in principle, to practices like chanting, fasting, praying and meditating that religions typically…


International law allows for the legalization of cannabis

The regulated cultivation and trade of cannabis for recreational use is permissible on the basis of states’ positive human rights obligations. This is the result of research by Legal scholars Piet Hein van Kempen and Masha Fedorova of Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. In their research Van Kempen and Fedorova concluded that the U.N.…


Here are all the drugs americans want to legalize

“Just because Americans don’t want these other drugs to be legal, however, doesn’t mean they think current drug laws are fair.” But the idea of legalizing other drugs draws little support across the political spectrum. While Republicans tended to favor legalization the least, support among Democrats and independents didn’t reach 20 percent for any drug…