DEA defies senators’ appeal to reconsider ‘unprecedented’ kratom ban
“Congress granted emergency scheduling authority to the DEA based on the need for law enforcement interdiction of new and previously unknown illegal synthetic street drugs that result in injuries and death. The use of this emergency authority for a natural substance is unprecedented, so it is important to determine whether the circumstances here necessitate a jump to Schedule I.”
The DEA recently decided to place kratom into Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act, the most restrictive regulatory category, on a temporary, emergency basis “to avoid an imminent hazard to the public safety.” Given the long reported history of Kratom use,” the letter continues, “coupled with the public’s sentiment that it is a safe alternative to prescription opioids, we believe using the regular review process would provide for a much-needed discussion among all stakeholders.” The Senate letter, spearheaded by Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) says: “Congress granted emergency scheduling authority to the DEA based on the need for law enforcement interdiction of new and previously unknown illegal synthetic street drugs that result in injuries and death. The use of this emergency authority for a natural substance is unprecedented, so it is important to determine whether the circumstances here necessitate a jump to Schedule I.”
Original Article (Washington Post):
DEA defies senators’ appeal to reconsider ‘unprecedented’ kratom ban
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