Mexico’s President proposes drug decriminalization with legal supply via prescription
The president of Mexico called the ongoing prohibition of drugs “unsustainable” and proposed a broad decriminalization policy as part of his administration’s “National Development Plan” that was released in April 2019.
“The only real possibility of reducing the levels of drug consumption resides in lifting the prohibition of [those] that are currently illegal,” the document states. It also suggests providing consumers with a “supply of doses with prescription,” indicating some form of legal distribution of currently prohibited drugs. The unambiguous endorsement of a harm reduction approach approach to drug policy is significant, and if translated into legislation, would set Mexico far apart from its U.S. neighbor, which continues to lock up large numbers of people for nonviolent drug offenses and has resisted programs like safe consumption sites … In the interest of public safety, Mexico must “end the war against drugs” and adopt a “prevention and treatment strategy” in dealing with drug addiction, the government said. The development plan also argues that it is important to create “sustainable economic alternatives” for people whose livelihoods are based on the currently illegal drug market.
Original Article (Marijuana Moment):
Mexico’s President Proposes Drug Decriminalization With Legal Supply Via Prescription
Artwork Fair Use: Ylebru
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