National Institute of Health calls for decriminalization of drugs in Finland
The core problem is that drug use is always stored in the criminal record. In a situation where a drug user does not have to worry about punishment or a criminal record, it is much easier to provide diverse social and health care support and treatment. The use of drugs in with health professionals would be easier without the label of criminality.
Depending on the case it will be stored from five to ten years. Entries are not removed from the record, even if there was no procecution. This registry is used when the Police is requested to make a security clearance, or a person will need to provide a report of criminal background for education or for work. According to Police statistics, a total of some 15,000 drug use cases are registered every year. This means that in the total registry there are anywhere from 75,000 to 150,000 drug use offences at any time … because of the large number of juveniles they can have significant implications to a persons future life.
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National Institute of Health calls for decriminalization of drugs in Finland
Artwork Fair Use: Thomas Quine