
Groundbreaking drug policy bills reintroduced in Maryland

Maryland Delegate Dan Morhaim, M.D. – also a practicing physician in emergency and internal medicine for more than 30 years – has introduced [H.B. 484],[H.B. 515], and [H.B. 519] to transform drug policy in the state. 

H.B. 484 [Drug Use and Possession Penalty Changes] = This bill [is designed to keep] some drug users – those possessing minimal amounts – out of the criminal justice system, thereby saving critical resources and avoiding the costs of saddling more Maryland citizens with criminal records and their adverse consequences … H.B. 515 [Substance Use Treatment at Need in ERs and Hospitals] = Conservative estimates show that for every $1 spent on treatment approximately $12 is saved in criminal justice and health care costs. … H.B. 519 [Safe Consumption Program] = This bill permits the establishment of safe consumption programs which allow individuals to consume controlled substances in a safe space using sterile equipment, and provide opportunities to connect patients to treatment, medical care, and other social services] Similar facilities now operate in Europe, Australia, and Canada with excellent results and most recently here in the United States permits the establishment of safe consumption programs which allow individuals to consume controlled substances in a safe space. 

Original Article (Drug Policy Alliance):
Groundbreaking drug policy bills reintroduced in Maryland
Artwork Fair Use: cascadebusnews


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