Denver should legalize magic mushrooms
I do understand, of course, that this measure would decriminalize the drug for all adults, and not just people who might have a medical need for it — but, to me, that’s even better.
Our bodies should belong to ourselves, not to the government. If someone wants to take magic mushrooms to help them with their mental-health issues, they should absolutely be able to do so.
It’s important to note that the measure would not legalize the drug, but simply make stopping possession of it a low priority for police, prohibiting the city and county from using any of its resources to punish people ages 21 and older for possessing the drug. Although mushrooms are a drug that may carry a lot of stigma, voters would be right to pass this measure in May 2019. In fact, speaking generally, I would argue that drug decriminalization is always the right choice. After all, we are supposed to be a country that was founded on the principles of freedom and individual liberty, and locking people up for what they choose to put in their own bodies certainly seems opposite to that philosophy. Even aside from the general philosophical argument for the decriminalization of all drugs, there is a lot of evidence that the decriminalization of mushrooms in particular could be beneficial for a lot of people.
Original Article (National Review):
Denver should legalize magic mushrooms
Artwork Fair Use: Bellyglad
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