
[Religion and] psychedelics… the future

Under federal law the psychedelic is not safe enough to use as a medicine but it’s safe enough to use as a sacrament. It stated that, in order to interfere with the sacramental use, the government needed to prove that [plants and fungi are] too dangerous to use; and it failed to do so. In…


2020 was the year [of] momentous drug reform…

Drug legalisation [& decriminalization] is now not just a concept being discussed by hippies around a fire… The biggest thing to happen in the drugs world [in 2020] was a gust of reform, a liberalising wind which buffeted, harangued and blew away some of the creaking, cobwebbed furniture of the century-old global war on drugs,…


The push to diversify Colorado’s cannabis industry

The disparity is frustrating… because before Colorado OK’d marijuana, Black and brown Centennial Staters bore the brunt of drug enforcement efforts. In fact, according to data from the American Civil Liberties Union, Black people are nearly four times more likely than white people to be arrested for marijuana possession nationally. Legislation matters, says Woodson, who promotes a…


Oregon voters said yes to [decriminalizing] psilocybin… what’s next?

Unlike Oregon’s Measure 110, which decriminalized possession of small amounts of [psilocybin], Measure 109 did not decriminalize psilocybin. Instead, it calls for a regulatory framework… [Additionally, the authors of the John’s Hopkins-Lancet Commission on Public Health and International Drug Policy call for non-violent minor drug offenses including use, possession, and petty sale, to be decriminalized]. [And finally], November…


…psychedelics: what’s next for wellness’ mushroom…

Like cannabis, the first step toward legalization of psychedelics is to allow them for medical use. As a result, a host of medical startups have sprung up to develop psychedelics for mental health treatment. As for the prospect of becoming legal recreationally… people might have thought, ‘Cannabis is never going to be legal,’ and here…


The potential (and peril) of legalizing psychedelics

Oregon appears to be embracing the psychoactive substances… entheogens… psychedelic renaissance… [but keep in mind]… Embedded in the introduction of psychedelics into contemporary society are issues of biopiracy, which occurs when corporations use patents to privatize nature and restrict its use… the medical model also lends itself to exploitation by pharmaceutical companies. Psilocybin mushrooms, for…


Research in Oregon shows 86% of adults interested in psilocybin services are interested in microdosing

Oregonians who are not interested in Psilocybin Services because they don’t want to pay for them list their largest concern is supporting Big Pharma…  On average, people would like to pay around 100 USD for a psilocybin therapy session… however, there is a significant difference between those in lower-income brackets vs. higher income brackets (93…


Oregon decriminalizes small amounts…

The Oregon measure makes possession of small amounts of what have long been considered harder drugs a violation, similar to a traffic ticket, and no longer punishable by jail time. Possession of larger amounts could result in misdemeanor charges, and some cases that rise to what is considered a commercial level could still be charged as felonies.…