
‘War on drugs’ has been a spectacular failure, leading to thousands of murders and human rights abuse, report say…

Released on Monday, October 22nd, 2018, the report from the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), a global coalition of 170 nongovernmental organizations working on drug policy issues, overviewed the failure of the 10-year global strategy from the United Nations, which intended to eradicate the illicit drug market by next year. ​Instead of curbing the problem,…

Modern Culture

Rethinking the global war on drugs

Since 2014… governments and like-minded allies have sought to lay the groundwork for changes to the current approach, which is grounded in three international drug accords adopted between the early 1960s and 1988.  Those treaties, which required that signatories outlaw the trade and possession of controlled substances — including marijuana — were conceived at a time when…


Is psychedelic drug therapy on track to become as ubiquitous as meditation?

To date, much of the clinical research on psychedelics has focused on their potential to treat acute mental health conditions, such as treatment-resistant depression. But scientists are also examining the drugs’ effects on so-called “healthy normal” populations — in other words, people who haven’t been diagnosed with an addiction or mental illness. In one 2018…

Modern Culture

More student unions set to offer drug-testing kits at universities, National Union of Students, says

A number of student unions – including Manchester, Newcastle and Sussex – already offer kits so students can test drugs before taking them to determine their toxicity. More are looking to do the same, but smaller SUs need financial support, Ms Crossan Jory said. She added: “Student unions are taking it more seriously. And there are a…


Canada prepares for legalized marijuana

On Oct. 17, 2018, Canada becomes the second and largest country with a legal national marijuana marketplace. Uruguay launched legal sales last year, after several years of planning .. It’s a profound social shift …fueled by a desire to bring the black market into a regulated, taxed system after nearly a century of prohibition.​At least 109…


Just the facts: kratom industry clears the confusion for congress

…don’t threaten safe and responsible consumption of natural botanicals.​…support Kratom research initiatives and conduct advocacy efforts to educate policy makers and the public about the benefits of Kratom, as well as dispelling common misconceptions. Original Article (Associated Press and Kratom Trade):Just the facts: kratom industry clears the confusion for congress and PressArtwork Fair Use:  David J.…

Modern Culture

The jury is in on cannabis legalization in North America: it’s been a success.

Not only do drug arrests fall after legalization, but other crime numbers improve as well. Violent crime fell by 10 percent in Washington State after legalization. Research has also identified that crime rates in neighborhoods with retail cannabis stores see a localized drop crime rates due, in part, to the disruption of illicit drug markets. Writing in…