
Fourth Massachusetts city approves psychedelics [and broader drug] reform…

“It properly frames these plants as belonging somewhere other than Schedule I”, said [City Council Member] Owen Zaret… the resolution is non-binding and doesn’t require police to deprioritize enforcement of laws prohibiting psychedelics – as has been the case in other cities across the U.S… excepting Lophophora and animal-derived controlled substances. [City Council Member Thomas…


[Mushroom resolution]

“Thank you so very much for all of your openness to communicate about this. Under the directive of the city council to educate and gain community support, we have collected over 330 letters of support, of which I have 270 here in my hands, that we’ve been turning into the city council,” Decriminalize Nature Humboldt…


Bank of America cancels account [of marijuana & psychedelics research institute registered with DEA]

A cannabis researcher who is waging a legal battle to reschedule marijuana in the federal circuit courts said that Bank of America decided to activate her institute’s bank account without explanation or recourse. Dr. Suzanne Sisley, the president and principal investigator at Scottsdale Research Institute [SRI], which is federally licensed to handle and grow cannabis,…


What [happened]… 550 doses of LSD?

The story of CB, a 49-year-old woman, and her roommate, who witnessed the event. CB had contracted Lyme disease in her early 20s, and by the LSD event, she experienced significant pain in her feet and ankles, routinely taking morphine for a decade… CB snorted… pure LSD – 550 times the normal recreational dosage of…


LSD… benefits…

…there has been a huge uptake in LSD consumption. From 2015 to 2018, there was a 56 percent increase in overall LSD usage, a 70 percent increase for college graduates, a 59 percent increase for people aged 26 to 34 and a whopping 223 percent for people aged 35 to 49.  Mental health issues like…


…psychedelic stocks have crashed

…the last 3 months, MindMed is down a 31%, ATAI Life Sciences, has plummeted 32%, and Compass Pathways, has fallen 19%. The carnage is not limited to the big 3 players either… It will take 3-5 years for these companies to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that their medicines are both safe and more effective…


Big pharma seizes Brazilian market while medical cannabis bill is stalled

Before the voting of Bill 399, the Government, opposed to the legislation and to the regulation of cannabis cultivation in Brazil, tried to strategically  hinder its advance.  The Ministry of Health suggested and considered the incorporation of CBD oil into the Universal Health System (SUS, in Portuguese). The only concentration allowed, though, would be 200mg/ml.…


…the FDA’s reluctance to approve medical cannabis

…the pharmaceutical industry spent $3.48 billion dollars on lobbying in 2020… here were 1,502 pharmaceutical lobbyists in 2020, 63.58% of whom were former government employees. So of course, when you have billions of dollars invested… you can ask your good ol pals at the FDA to approve all kinds of drugs. However, while the cannabis industry…


Proposed aggregate production quotas for Schedule I… [for 2022]

Substances 2021 (in grams)Marijuana 2,000,000Marijuana extract 500,000All other tetrahydrocannabinol 1,000 Psilocybin 1,500Psilocyn 1,000MDMA 50LSD 40Mescaline 25 DMT 505-MeO-DMT 35MDA 55 2022 proposed (in grams)Marijuana 3,200,000Marijuana Extract 1,000,000All other tetrahydrocannabinol 2,000Psilocybin 3,000MDMA 3,200LSD 500Mescaline 100DMT 2505-MeO-DMT 550MDA 200 Original Article (Federal Register & Marijuana Moment):Proposed aggregate production quotas for Schedule I… & DEA proposes dramatic increase in marijuana and psychedelic production in 2022 calling for…