
Doctor takes bid to treat patient with MDMA to court…

Consultant psychiatrist Eli Kotler launched legal action after the Victorian Department of Health knocked back an application to treat the woman… with the drug more commonly known as ecstasy. Kylie Evans, the barrister representing Victoria’s Health Department, told the court that the outcome of the case would be significant… the move will be opposed by…


…analog… psilocybin

…[ie] deuterated psilocybin analog has a duration of effect that is half is long as psilocybin, and a duration onset that is twice as fast. …[research pipeline seeking & developing] drugs with less variability [with goals such as] a faster onset time and better brain penetration that maintain the therapeutic properties of psilocybin and deliver…


Veterans have become unlikely lobbyists in push to legalize psychedelic drugs

The legalization campaign’s focus on vets as leading advocates is not without controversy. Carlos Plazola, co-founder of the advocacy group Decriminalize Nature, said he was disappointed by the movement’s overemphasis on the struggles of service members. He said a broader cross section of people of color should have their experiences heard. “We understand the value…


Psychedelics could become extractive capitalism…

As psychedelic firms skyrocket in market cap, quick cashouts are extracting billions of dollars in value – with no benefit to society… I’ve questioned the incentives of those investing in the psychedelic space… financial motivations to make a quick exit. These exits are ultimately extractive, and raise the cost of treatments, rendering them inaccessible to…


The masters of bad trips

At a certain point, ignorance is willful. The psychedelic community has refused to learn critical lessons about ethics and safety… we are having these conversations at the dawn of medicalization. The problem is… bad ideas… they go back to the earliest days of psychedelic research and psychedelics as a cultural phenomenon within industrial contexts. Abuse…


Compass pathways’ phase 2B… breakthrough therapy designation by the US FDA in late 2018… delivers mixed results

…a 35-percent response rate and a 5-percent SAE rate means for every seven patients positively responding to the treatment, one person will experience serious negative outcomes… these serious adverse events included suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior. Five patients (6.3 percent) in the 25-mg group and six patients (8 percent) in the 10-mg group experienced at…

Modern Culture

City council for [gifting & communal] psilocybin decrim expansion

The panel asked the city council in its report to “make the communal use of psilocybin among the lowest law enforcement priorities.” In a 56-page long document submitted to the Denver City Council’s Finance and Governance Committee, the Denver Psilocybin Mushroom Policy Review Panel (DPMPR) members emphasized the expansion of decriminalization for gifting and communal sharing…


Denver City Council digs Into more mushroom decriminalization… panel reports no issues since decriminalization of psilocybin mushrooms

“Arrests related to psilocybin decreased by more than half since the passage of I-301,” the review panel’s recent report notes… arrests involving mushrooms in Denver are down 50% compared to before decriminalization and, of arrests involving mushrooms, 89% include other illicit substances. Mushrooms also account for less than 1% of drug felonies and misdemeanors in…


Big tech’s psychedelics grift

They helped create the disease, and now they want to hoard the cure. This was the plug for Prozac when it first came on the market in 1988… no matter: a new therapeutic savior has arrived in the form of psychedelics. If you think it’s a little strange that Big Tech – currently best known…