
Psychedelics [& entheogens/ethnobotanicals] may relieve chronic pain via changes in brain neuroplasticity

…studies have shown that over time, acute pain transforms into chronic pain via neuroplasticity. 5-HT2A receptor activation by psychedelics may lead to rewiring in the brain + reduced inflammation = reduced nociception (the perception of a painful or injurious stimulus). Original Article (Psychedelic Science):Psychedelics may relieve chronic pain via changes in brain neuroplasticityArtwork Fair Use: Borsook…


[A] sacred-scientific, psychedelic future

Every human culture since prehistory has had experiences with mind-altering substances, which could be one of the earliest indicators of religious formation.  The Tassili n’Ajjer National Park in south-east Algeria is home to ancient rock art carvings (7,000 – 9,000 years old) that point to a lengthy, deep relationship between humans and psychedelic mushrooms. These…


Integration, rippling

The last steps — community and the environment, or the “world out there,” — are where integration often falls short. The ultimate step in the integration process involves putting our self into service. There is hard work to do here.  As wonderful it is to hear that people reached a state of absolute peace, it…


…increase in recent seizures by homeland security in the US

It has come to… attention that quite a few people have recently received packages with notices from Homeland Security informing them that contraband has been seized and to expect another notice. You are not legally required to appear anywhere, nor are you required to speak to law enforcement. In addition, you are not required to…


…too old for a psychedelic experience[?]

“The FDA has said to us that adult means 18 years. So we have a lower age limit in our studies of 18 years. But we don’t have an upper age limit. Because it’s not about age, it’s about health.“ “One of the problems of the boomers is that, when we got into psychedelics, there…


…cannabis [and other psychedelic] colonialism

Canopy CEO Mark Zukelin stated last month that “the IP moat around our business” is one of the company’s greatest competitive advantages… cannabis companies in Canada are acting like biotech firms. Canopy already has 110 patents, and more than 290 patent applications. Their Intellectual Property (IP) strategy includes patents connected to vaping technology, to marijuana…