
Chronic lower back pain: Can a psychedelic… come to your rescue?

“It’s a massive problem,” said Patrick Finan, the Harold Carron Professor of Anesthesiology in the School of Medicine and the co-principal investigator for the trial. “Chronic lower back pain is growing in prevalence, particularly as people age and medicine improves to keep people active longer.” Finan said there is encouraging research now that psilocybin may…


Use of psychedelics to treat… chronic pain…

What have scientists discovered about whether these drugs are effective in treating… chronic pain? New research is exploring whether psychedelic drugs [ie, psilocybin] might help in treating… chronic pain. The drugs so far appear to be quite effective. Original Article (KRQE):Use of psychedelics to treat PTSD, OCD, depression and chronic pain – a researcher discusses recent…