
Has the decade-old war on drugs in Asia succeeded?

In March 2019, the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs will convene in Vienna to evaluate progress on countering the drug problem across the world. When officials sit down for discussions, they should not shy away from asking the tough questions. Current approaches to drug control in Asia overwhelmingly criminalise people already on the margins of…


Why we should care about global drug policy advocacy

In the past five to ten years, and in particular in the lead up to the UNGASS, civil society has increased in strength and visibility in the global drug policy debate. This is an important achievement because civil society voices have traditionally not been valued within drug policy debates, and it has been a fight…


Supreme Court limits police powers to seize private property

The Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday [Feb. 20th, 2019] that the Constitution places limits on the ability of states and localities to take and keep cash, cars, houses and other private property used to commit crimes. The practice, known as civil forfeiture, is a popular way to raise revenue and is easily abused, and it…


B.C. health officer wants province-wide plan to decriminalize small amounts of illicit drugs

Health officials and drug policy experts across Canada have called for decriminalization for years, but the federal government won’t budge. Now, B.C.’s provincial health officer is putting together a report on how the province can de facto decriminalize. Drug decriminalization = removing criminal penalties for minor drug use/possession. Person might be steered towards treatment or…


How the Drug War Eats the Poor

In fact, what is becoming increasingly clear is that international drug prohibition is actually a major driver of global poverty. “There is a self-perpetuating cycle of poverty. People get involved in drugs to afford the basic essentials of life, because of a lack of other options. Then they get arrested and their life chances are…


Should all drugs be legalised now?

The 50-year war on drugs has been a disaster. It was obviously doomed from the first years of prohibition because it was based on the misconception that it would stop people using drugs. Our drug laws are not based on scientific evidence but rather political expediency, paranoia and ignorance. After 50 years of failure and…


…will a wall stop opiods? Two high-profile legal cases suggest no.

*average fatal dosage size of fentanyl The [Sackler case is]… a reminder than an opioid epidemic that is largely responsible for lowering life expectancy in the United States for the first time since 1980 began quite legally, with a drug manufactured not by a Mexican cartel but by an American pharmaceutical company. illicit fentanyl, which…