
Should we legalize all drugs? Discuss.

*Gandoerma oregonense Removing the money spent on prohibition and adding the money that would come from legalization and taxes could add up to nearly $625 million in savings and revenue for Oregon. A recent paper by a Harvard-based researcher and published by The Cato Institute gives insight to the financial picture: Legalizing all drugs could generate…


Grassy Globes

Diplomacy or Denialism: The language that the UNGASS (United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the “World Drug Problem”) of 2016  Outcome Document overlooked… Noting the…Reaffirming…Recognising…Also recognising that…Recalling that …Also recalling…Acknowledging that …Consider…Highlight…Undertake…Include…Ensure that…Eliminate…Highlight…Declare…Warn…Commit that…End…Commit too…Promote…Take Account…Recognize that…Request…Realign…Commit…Review…Address…Implement… Original Article:Diplomacy or Denialism: The language that the UNGASS Outcome Document overlooked Artwork Fair Use: Jayel Aheram


The whole fungus: fine

The first state-level drug decriminalization bill Has been introduced by in Maryland, USA…where elected officials and a broad range of stakeholders [convened] on a forum on decriminalization. [H.B. 488 : Drug Use and Possession Penalty Changes], [H.B. 515 : Substance Use Treatment at Need in ERs and Hospitals], and [H.B. 519 : Safe Consumption Programs].…


The whole fungus: developed

Party members in Canada overwhelmingly vote for decriminalizing drugs. It’s likely a first for North America. The City of Vancouver, BC has officially recommended that the Government of Canada “immediately” decriminalize the personal possession of all drugs, including hard drugs like cocaine and heroin. Decriminalization is a relatively simple process. It would involve removing sections…


Groundbreaking drug policy bills reintroduced in Maryland

Maryland Delegate Dan Morhaim, M.D. – also a practicing physician in emergency and internal medicine for more than 30 years – has introduced [H.B. 484],[H.B. 515], and [H.B. 519] to transform drug policy in the state.  H.B. 484 [Drug Use and Possession Penalty Changes] = This bill [is designed to keep] some drug users – those possessing minimal amounts – out…


Keeping kratom legal

We ask the DEA to Follow the Science to protect access to [whole-plant botanical] kratom by those Americans who exercise their freedoms to safely use kratom as a part of their personal health and well-being regimen. The claims of deaths “associated with the use of kratom” made by the FDA have been discredited and now requires a complete reanalysis of actual risks that may exist for…


Liberal party members [in Canada] overwhelmingly vote for decriminalizing drugs…

*Joan of Arc, Statue. Portland, OR It’s likely a first for North America. The City of Vancouver has officially “recommended” that the Government of Canada “immediately” decriminalize the personal possession of all drugs, including hard drugs like cocaine and heroin. Decriminalization is a relatively simple process. It would involve removing sections of the Controlled Drugs…


China is blaming Canada for its cannabis problem but is producing 50% of the world’s supply

You won’t hear any talk of legalization in China soon. China’s history, drug wars, and communist control have left citizens convinced that drugs are personally and socially evil … China still bans cultivation, transport, sale, and possession … [The Chinese Government] holds over 600 patents on cannabis applications.  In Hong Kong, manufacturing cannabis or any other drug…