
The future of coffee looks psychedelic 

Since both Wunderground and Puff Coffee are based in Seattle, WA and Portland, OR respectively… both cities have decriminalized entheogens (aka psychedelics)… the reason they feel confident in this shroom experiment… a psilocybin-infused coffee made in collaboration with Puff Coffee, the new coffee venture of Stumptown Coffee… “As a country, we witnessed OxyContin being approved…


Oregon is voting on [adult-use] psilocybin, again

This time it’s local: Two-thirds of Oregon counties will decide whether to allow or ban… psilocybin. The state’s psilocybin opt-out policy is consistent with most states’ cannabis legalization laws: Residents can vote to ban sales, but not re-criminalize possession… opt-out votes can have unintended consequences… localities that prohibit state-regulated cannabis retail stores tend to protect…


…analysis… act

…it will be up to local groups and individuals willing to participate in the… process to ensure that the personal use… isn’t weakened during implementation… Ultimately, we recognize that all reforms are a push-and-pull of what people who think about policy all day want to see and what legislators, donors, drafters, lobbyists, opposition blocks, funders…


Will medical insurers agree to cover psychedelic trips?

…the most important reason to have insurers onboard isn’t just to save society money on treating costly mental ailments – it’s to make sure the benefits are distributed to more than just affluent individuals who can afford hours long psychedelic journeys integrated by therapy. “Governments and corporations are selfish. Our job is to fight the bastards…


Is climate change shifting magic mushroom season in the UK?

In 2021 study it was recognised that high moisture and moderate temperatures are the ideal settings for mushroom growth, suggesting that droughts dry the soil, meaning that less plants and fungi have an opportunity to survive. Water transportation is pivotal to mycelium growth, and it is widely accepted that an increase in drought affects interactions…


Love drugs might be the future of relationships

…a new wave of research is exploring the therapeutic uses of other substances such as magic mushrooms, MDMA and LSD, not just as party drugs but as real-life neurotechnologies that can act as a chemical nudge on the brain systems involved in love and attachment. …let’s not forget, love itself is also not to be taken lightly. Instead of…


Large national survey suggests that the use of psychedelics is not associated with lifetime cancer development

When controlling for confounding variables, the results revealed that lifetime psychedelic use was not associated with lifetime cancer diagnosis nor hematologic cancer diagnosis. This was true for each of the three classifications of psychedelics: tryptamine (5-MeO-DIPT, AMT, DMT), lysergamide (LSD), and phenethylamine (2C-B, mescaline, MDMA, peyote, and San Pedro). “Beginning in the late 1960s, concerns were raised by laboratory experiments that…


Is broader access to psilocybin… on the horizon?

There is a growing belief that whatever Canada decides will have a direct impact on the U.S. and this country’s psilocybin legalization efforts. The challenge also noted a precedent to change how the government could work with psilocybin by citing two landmark cannabis cases, where Canadian courts ruled that the absolute prohibition of cannabis by the…