
Sale of magic mushrooms up for debate at Vancouver City Hall

The motion was questioned for hours… and was ultimately rejected. [A] Councillor suggested council work with police and public health officials to address businesses and dispensaries that may… selling psilocybin whole mushrooms… powders, tablets or capsules. Her hope was the group would file a report back to the city on criminal activity, possible public health…


Two magic mushroom studies suggest psychedelics increase spirituality, decrease criminal behavior

Oh, the irony. While using psychedelics in the U.S. could land you in prison, experiences with… [naturally occurring psilocybin-producing] mushrooms may help keep you out. According to research which suggests that [these mushrooms] may make you less likely to steal or be violent. Other recent research also suggests that psychedelics can increase spiritually significant events…


…psilocybin mushrooms up for debate at Vancouver City Hall

The motion was questioned for hours… and was ultimately rejected. [A] Councillor suggested council work with police and public health officials to address businesses and dispensaries that may… [be providing access to] psilocybin whole mushrooms… Her hope was the group would file a report back to the city on criminal activity, possible public health impact…

Modern Culture

Magic Mushrooms… soon be used

This is one reason why some advocates believe that decriminalization is… even necessary… “A very large percentage of the people interested in psychedelic medicines can, with the right education and settings, do this work safely on their own or with a peer”. -Daniel McQueen “…decriminalization lets us begin to have that dialogue. When we take…


Could psychedelics become the new medical marijuana? Inside the potential benefits and risks… of ‘magic mushrooms’

Psychedelic mushrooms were decriminalized in Denver and Oakland, not legalized. In other words, the ballot initiatives didn’t legalize the selling or manufacturing of mushrooms — rather, they made possession of mushrooms the lowest law enforcement priority, citing their therapeutic benefits. On May 7, residents of Denver, Colorado, voted to decriminalize the use and possession of…


Efforts to decriminalize magic mushrooms beginning to sprout nationally

After the Oakland measure passed, an organization called Decriminalize California is working on a statewide decriminalization measure for the 2020 election. As it stands, the government prohibits using federal funds for any Schedule I [fungi] like magic mushrooms, [however, a patented synthetic psilocybin has been approved for clinical trials by the FDA]. Original Article (Forbes):…


Sacred Mushrooms and the Law

The law is… a mish-mash that renders Nature an illicit drug-lab. The First Amendment of the Constitution guaranteed each of us freedom of religious expression. Yet, for all practical purposes, the entheogenic experience – has been outlawed in the United States. [Now], a fascinating discourse on cognitive liberty comparing laws criminalizing the use of entheogenic…


…how is psilocybin decriminalization going…

“So not only at her household, but even here in Oakland, California, my mom and grandmother had plants in the backyard that we grew, called them yerba buena, that’s “good plants… I walked into a [cannabis] dispensary the other day, and they already had the products.” -Noel Gallo (City Council Member, Oakland) *image : world-wide…


Chemical & Engineering news discusses entourage effect

A July 21, 2019 article in the American Chemical Society’s Chemical & Engineering News by Britt E. Erickson… discussed the importance of the entourage/[ensemble] effect in cannabis health. Like magic mushroom fruiting bodies, cannabis plant material includes multiple active ingredients (cannabinoids, terpenoids, and other “minor components”), which modulate its biological and clinical properties.  Original Article (Psilocybin Technology):Chemical &…