
A puke bucket and an ancient drug: is ayahuasca the future of PTSD treatment?

Combat-related PTSD is notoriously difficult to treat and in theory ayahuasca can work as a form of drug-assisted exposure therapy. When traumatised people repeatedly avoid fear-inducing situations this only serves to maintain and reinforce the deeply ingrained conditioning that underlies their illness. The idea is that by dredging up traumatic memories and exposing them to…


DEA asked public to comment on its proposed kratom ban and 99 percent opposed it

“Of the 2,416 comments submitted to the DEA with profession-related information, nearly half self-identified as either veterans, law enforcement officials, health care professionals or scientists. The overwhelming majority of these were in favor of keeping kratom legal, with veterans supporting by a margin of 448 to 1 and medical professionals supporting by a margin of…


Hallucinogens: future of mental health treatment?

“Most powerful substances that we know of, that have powerful effects on the central nervous system, are like any powerful tool,” says Johnson, who has studied how psilocybin affects depression. “They can have dangerous effects, or beneficial effects, if judiciously used in a context where the dangers are known and mechanisms are in place to…


The DEA’s contrived Kratom crisis

“Patterson, the DEA spokesman, said the reaction to the ban “was eye-opening for me personally.” He added that “I want the kratom community to know that the DEA does hear them.”  The DEA describes all kratom use as “abuse.” It was therefore easy for the agency to conclude that the plant has “a high potential…