
Another decade lost to the global war on drugs

It is hard to imagine a global policy enterprise that has delivered poorer value for money. The global community should ask what another trillion dollars spent in the coming decade might achieve if directed to more positive ends. [Read the Report] [As] we rapidly approach a key inflexion point in the global debate, with the contours…


The U.S. needs to decriminalize drug possession now

 *Portuguese Parliament in Lisbon, Portugal​The top prosecutors in two Washington State counties — Snohomish and King — have announced that they will no longer file charges in drug possession cases involving less than 2-3 grams of any substance. Even today, few elected officials are willing to introduce or support legislation to decriminalize drug possession. And while public support for…


‘Microdosers’ of LSD and magic mushrooms are wiser and more creative

Psychedelics microdosing can mean taking five to 20 micrograms of LSD, 0.1 – 0.3 grams of dried psilocybin-containing mushrooms.  We compared people who microdose — that is, who take a psychedelic substance such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) or “magic” mushrooms (psilocybin) in very small quantities — with those who don’t, and found that microdosers had healthier scores on…


MDMA helps people build trust and get over betrayal

The study [Neuroscientists at King’s College London and Oxford University and published in the Journal of Neuroscience] aimed to investigate the effect of MDMA on decision-making behaviour.  MRI machines were used to scan the brains of the participants, finding that MDMA can help people to become more cooperative by creating greater activity in specific areas of the brain such…


The Religion That Has No Name: The Persecution of Psychedelic Spirituality

“One of the implications of the continued growth of psychedelic festival culture is that the community of psychedelic users is becoming, with the help of the internet, more organised and more cohesive”.  Furthermore, now this ‘spiritual movement’ has community meeting spaces, with their own rituals, traditions, codes and conventions. At these gatherings there is a very…


…some Oregonians want to legalize psychedelic mushrooms

Oregon’s Secretary of State has just approved language for a potential ballot initiative that would legalize psychedelic mushrooms. In recent years, some studies have shown that “magic mushrooms” can have positive effects, especially those undergoing cancer treatments and… depression.​  If Oregonians were to approve the initiative, it would decriminalize psilocybins and allow for the licensed manufacturing and administration of the substances.​Original…