
What to know about microdosing…

…microdosing psychedelics is technically not substance misuse because it does not involve taking drugs in excess or for an unintended purpose. The practice of microdosing psychedelics dates back to at least the early 16th century… to relieve fevers and rheumatism. The accepted definition of substance misuse is the use of prescription, illegal drugs, or over-the-counter drugs or…


[Oregon university & veterans administration]… cannabis resource for health care providers

Known as the Systematically Testing the Evidence on Marijuana… the project is a joint production of researchers with Oregon Health & Science University’s (OHSU) Center for Evidence-based Policy and the Veterans (VA) Portland Health Care System. …designed as an independent, methodologically rigorous resource primarily for health care workers. The site features living systematic reviews that…


Psychedelic therapy effective in reducing suicidality…

Psychedelic therapy appeared associated with large acute and sustained reductions in suicidality, according to results of a meta-analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. From an initial pool of more than 9,900 records… results showed that psychedelic therapy led to marked decreases in suicidality in both relatively short (80 to 240 minute) intervals, as well as in…

Modern Culture

The war against cannabis… it’s time to call it…

Let’s face it, for the past half a century the US has been in a REAL hot war, a “forever war” against cannabis, a war against Americans on American soil. Here’s another big number: 545,602 That’s the of number of Americans arrested for cannabis related crimes in 2019… that’s more cannabis arrests than for all…


…therapists to be given psilocybin to better understand…

A therapist’s own, personal experience with psychedelic substances appears to play an important role in facilitating therapeutic benefits for patients… “Crucially, the psychedelic experience is impossible to describe, and the ability to support people in these very profound states of altered consciousness may depend in part on the therapist’s own experience in that environment.” By…


…opioids devastation…

…lawyer pushed against extending protections for members of the family, which is worth billions: Joe Rice, a lead lawyer for local governments who had sued Purdue… Judge Robert Drain said that if a deal was not in place by [Feb. 17, 2022], “all bets are open” as to whether he would protect the family again.…