
Controversies… psychedelic

The concept of social sharing or decriminalized shared use is essential in psychedelic policy reform for several reasons. First, simple decriminalization for personal possession is insufficient to protect the most common dynamic of psychedelic use: a small group of people sharing psychedelics, often with a guide or group leader facilitating the experience… …the bill now…


Psychedelic decriminalization creating… opportunities

What was once a war on drugs has turned into a public push for the decriminalization and legalization of illegal drugs with potential therapeutic benefits… Now, the psychedelics… [are] in the spotlight, with states [and cities] across America looking to decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms. Original Article (PR Newswire):Psychedelic decriminalization creating market opportunitiesArtwork Fair Use: karode13


Cannabis use associated with increased decision making skills

A team of researchers in Europe recently conducted what they describe to be “one of the largest longitudinal European multicenter studies on the topic” of residual effects of cannabis use on neurocognition (decision making skills)… Decision making is not impaired when cannabis is used in moderation, and onset of use occurs after the age of 15. “We…


Home grow…

In 2016, the… legal clash between the LPs and patient collectives ended in a victory for Canadian patients. Namely that the right of home grow in Canada was challenged in court. Patients (at least in Canada) won the day… That said, the same could not be said of Germany. Indeed, the same month that Canadian…


Hooked on a feeling : The loss of community and rise of addiction

The class divide over the stimulant of choice: either to promote production or to inhibit escape, only furthered a sense of class camaraderie: a distinction that Engels and fellow socialists would ironically grasp onto. Liquor became the target of socialists while beer became their unifier for the working class. For an industrializing world, coffee fit…


…can ease anxiety and depression for five years

…given to patients in the study in 2016 and resulted in immediate, substantial relief of symptoms that was sustained and documented at their follow-ups more than six months later. …it’s thought that because [psilocybe mushrooms] can affect mood and perception to “regulate arousal and panic responses,”… interacts with the networks of the brain to shape…