
Denver Voters Will Have Their Say On Legalized Mushrooms In The City

“I don’t think that people should be criminalized or looked upon differently because they are required to take something that can make them feel this much better,” said a 54-year-old patient currently using psilocybin mushrooms. The initiative would make the use and possession of psilocybin mushrooms by adults 21 and older the lowest law-enforcement priority…


Confessions of a White Vampire

Several times during my stay in the [ayahuasca drinking] community, different men took me aside and confided that they knew of nearby gold deposits that they would be willing to show me. They said this as if to test my interest. I would reply with indifference to these propositions, much to my interlocutors’ surprise. A…


Overdose deaths are the product of drug prohibition

During Prohibition, drinkers never knew what they would get when they set out to slake their thirst. Bootleggers often sold products adulterated with industrial alcohol and other toxins. Some 10,000 people were fatally poisoned before America gave up this grand experiment in suppressing vice. Fentanyl was just the beginning. The latest additive is carfentanil, a…


The crucial role of mothers in reforming drug policy

Mothers in the UK, US, Canada, and beyond are advocating for drug policy reform; for many, their advocacy follows the death or incarceration of their child as a result of the drug war …  many mothers and other family members have come together in the fight for evidence-based, person-centred drug policy reform due to the effect…


Caves all the way down

There is not one universal psychedelic experience that people from all cultures reliably and predictably have … even with the same substance, different cultures frame psychedelic experiences in different ways, leading to different experiences​​Different cultures, then, create different psychedelic experiences, different ontological realities. But the hope of the psychedelic renaissance is that, by conducting the most…


Speaking my mind on changing your mind

Psychedelics are, or can be at least, a doorway to a land of wonder and revelation. I’m not confident that in the hands of the medical bureaucracy and the commercial establishment they will stay unblemished. The deeper genius of psychedelics is their ability to totally undermine materialism and comfortable categories by blasting us into ridiculously…


Canada prepares for legalized marijuana

On Oct. 17, 2018, Canada becomes the second and largest country with a legal national marijuana marketplace. Uruguay launched legal sales last year, after several years of planning .. It’s a profound social shift …fueled by a desire to bring the black market into a regulated, taxed system after nearly a century of prohibition.​At least 109…