
DEA to increase psilocybin… production for research purposes

The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) has proposed an increase in the manufacture… psilocin and psilocybin for clinical trial and research purposes… stated that its objective was to assist in the development of new federally approved therapies. …increased its production goals for psilocin and psilocybin, which are the main psychoactive components of magic mushrooms. Initially, the…


Federal bankruptcy judge grants Sackler family sweeping immunity in $4.3 billion opioid settlement

More than two-thirds of Congress cashed a pharma campaign check in 2020… the ruling, which is exactly what the Sacklers demanded, grants releases from liability for harm caused by the company’s aggressive and sometimes illegal marketing of the discontinued opioid OxyContin and other opioids. In addition to the Sacklers themselves, hundreds of individuals and organizations…


Oregon psilocybin board…

…[is mandated] to develop a long-term strategic plan that ensures safety, accessibility, and affordability on psilocybin services. Measure 109 requires the Board to create a system for psilocybin services that is safe, equitable, and accessible… Original Article (Truffle Report):Oregon psilocybin board partners with harvard’s poplarArtwork Fair Use: Another Believer


[Compass Patent GB2572023B]… health

The right to use psychedelic[s] is currently navigating through the legislature, with places like Oregon, Washington DC, [et al.] decriminalizing psychedelic plant-based drugs… A revolution is sweeping mental health. Not since President Nixon declared war on drugs have researchers and traditional practitioners been able to share the results. The early data shows that plant-based therapy…


Billionaire Charles Koch on why cannabis should be legal

As a staunch libertarian, he [states he] sees cannabis prohibition as a basic infringement on personal freedom, as well as a destructive public policy that adds to America’s mass-incarceration problem… looks to a 19th-century French economist for wisdom. “For a law to be respected,” Koch says, paraphrasing Frédéric Bastiat, “it must be respectable.” Koch is…


Will Justice Thomas bring consistency to cannabis regulation?

…the IRS’s approach to Section 280E stands in direct conflict to the law in many states as well as the DOJ’s enforcement policies. Justice Thomas has long been skeptical of the federal government’s power to criminalize local marijuana use… Justice Thomas argued that the CSA [Controlled Substances Act] exceeded Congress’s power as applied to the…


Oregon medical board…

The report marks the first time a state government entity has run over… comprehensive research on psilocybin… adverse reactions to psilocybin listed in the report included… mixing… with other drugs like cannabis… …adverse reactions to psilocybin listed in the report [also] included hypertension, nausea and gastrointestinal complications when consuming whole mushrooms… the report concluded that…


Cannabis part of the future says tobacco giant

British American Tobacco [BAT] said it wanted to “accelerate” its transformation by reducing the health impact of its products. BAT took a stake in Canadian medical cannabis maker… It also signed a deal to research a new range of adult cannabis products, initially focused on cannabidiol (CBD). Original Article (BBC):Cannabis part of the future says…


…Congressional House vote on marijuana policy

…measure is known as the Blumenauer-McClintock-Norton-Lee amendment… …amendment removes the word “medical” from the current language — thereby extending these protections to both qualified patients and to adults, as well as to those licensed in both the medical and recreational industries. Original Article (Norml):Upcoming congressional house vote on marijuana policyArtwork Fair Use: Cannabis Pictures