Modern Culture

Colorado is finally getting its first cannabis club

The city of Denver granted its first license on Monday to a business that will allow marijuana use on its premises. The Coffee Joint plans to charge patrons a $5 entry fee and permit them to consume their own cannabis in edible or vapor form.​​Denver voters approved a measure to create a social-use pilot program in 2016. Interested businesses…


More medical cannabis on the horizon for Mexico

A bill passed by Mexico’s Senate and Lower House of Congress late last year and earlier this year seeks to change… and reclassif[y] THC as “therapeutic”. ​ “The ruling eliminates the prohibition and criminalization of acts related to the medicinal use of marijuana and its scientific research, and those relating to the production and distribution…


At ‘pot churches,’ marijuana is the sacrament

“Legalization changes everything,” Laycock said. “Religious use may not violate state law in some of these states. And if it does, legalizing recreational use but not religious use clearly discriminates against religion.” As more states ease access to marijuana, churches that offer pot as a sacrament are proliferating, competing with medical marijuana dispensaries and pot…

Modern Culture

Joy to the weed! Marijuana legalization comes bearing gifts

“People consume cannabis on the holidays and they always have,” Smith said. “Now they are doing so through a regulated system.” Legalization means pot lovers can legally do something they’ve always done, which is give away marijuana to people they love, said Aaron Smith, executive director of the National Cannabis Industry Association. Original Article (NP…


The 15-ounce pound revisited

U.K. company GW Pharmaceuticals Plc, provided “substantial evidence” of the drug’s [Epidiolex] effectiveness, FDA staff said. The medication [is now FDA approved to] treat seizures associated with two rare forms of epilepsy that typically affect children. …the medication appears to have an increased risk of liver injury. … GW Pharmaceuticals is really part of a conglomeration of international…