
How stigma created Japan’s hidden drug problem

In Japan, public shaming and stigma of those suspected of taking drugs has developed into a useful tool for the authorities to remind citizens of the country’s strict moral code on drug use: If you get high you are not just letting yourself down, you are also letting society down. “While Japanese society has changed…

Modern Culture

Launches magic truffle [psilocybin] retail…

…magic truffle microdosing kits have begun… “a non-synthetic… kit to promote responsible use.” 5-gram kit of fresh… psilocybin truffles. “I went on record saying… would aim to have product on shelves by the end of Q3, 2020… have delivered and achieved that goal.” Original Article (High Times):Red light holland launches magic truffle retail salesArtwork Fair…


…[natural] psilocybin the new CBD…

Psilocybin’s natural origins make it more desirable versus the chemical psychedelic compounds. The… landscape for psilocybin [mushrooms], is rapidly changing. Several municipalities in the United States have decriminalized it including Denver Colo., Oakland and Santa Cruz, Calif. The latest to join this small group is Ann Arbor, Mich. Original Article (Thestreet):Is psilocybin the new CBD?Artwork…

Modern Culture

Magic mushrooms… next

Psilocybin [known as psilocybe mushrooms] is following marijuana in legalization pattern, too, as more cities… move to decriminalize… There is a massive historical precedent with a growing number of the municipalities adjusting their laws on the decriminalization… largely in recognition that prohibition does not work for a myriad of reasons – good news for proponents…


Power… responsibility… psychedelic

For centuries, psychedelic substances have been used by Indigenous communities for community… purposes that continue in the present day. In 1970, President Richard Nixon signed the Controlled Substances Act… When colonizers reached the North and South American continents, they demonized the use of plant medicines. “The strategy and tactics of European colonizers … was based…


Psilocybin Measure 109: pros and cons

We talked to a supporter and opponent… [Nichole, an opponent], “We do not feel it is safe to be giving Oregonians psilocybin…” and also states that the science is not ready to support psilocybin use for mental health conditions as Measure 109 claims… other local and national organizations also oppose the measure. [Thomas, a supporter]:…


Psilocybin Measure 109 would turn Oregonians into ‘guinea pigs’

Passing Measure 109, she said, would “set up Oregonians as really the guinea pigs to be receiving psilocybin treatment for psychological conditions with high rates of morbidity and mortality if treated quickly or left untreated.” The leader of the Oregon Psychiatric Physician Association told The Lund Report the group opposes the measure, as does American…


Healing… with psilocybin [mushrooms]

The bill would just allow the drug to be administered inside these facilities during guided treatment sessions. The bill was revised last year to be more focused on therapy, a move Carolyn Garcia doesn’t agree with. “There’s too many people involved here who’ve been handling mushrooms for a long time all over the world, and to try…


Oregon psilocybin initiative…

…campaign is seeing pushback… …dissent from certain psychedelics reform advocates who argue that the proposed legal therapeutic model for psilocybin would threaten equitable access to entheogens. Original Article (Marijuana Moment):Oregon psilocybin initiative gets boost from new TV ad but draws opposition from unlikely sourceArtwork Fair Use: Ytzen