
Decriminalization is just the start of real reform – and… users need to be part of the conversation

For… users, the potential pitfalls of [blanket] decriminalization are frightening and all too likely to happen. One fear they have about decriminalization is that authorities will drop criminal punishments, only to raise an oppressive regime of civil penalties – specifically, issuing tickets and fines… a fear is that… decriminalize [all] drugs, that’s where the experiment…


…DEA and FDA blame each other for keeping marijuana illegal

…representatives from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have each told him they’re on board with legalizing marijuana. And the agencies blame each other for blocking efforts to end prohibition. In a recent interview… was asked about his professional opinion on cannabis. The host of the popular daytime program of…


Psychedelics activists unveil measure to legalize plant [& fungi] healing ceremonies [within city limits]

The group emphasized that it’s concerned about the potential for commercial exploitation of psychedelics, and so this measure was designed to promote community-based treatment… will cost participants next to nothing. “People have been healing from plant-based group ceremonies for centuries,” he said. “The solution we’re offering the city is to bring the ancient wisdom and…


[First of varied forthcoming proposals to] shift regulatory authority

[One of many proposals include, substitute the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as the agency responsible for classifying drugs pursuant to the Controlled Substance Act (CSA).] As calls to divest, defund and abolish local police agencies echo across the U.S., it is also time to elevate those calls to…


…psychedelic humanities

On psychedelics, humanism appears to outdo itself: It overcomes its anthropocentrism and nurtures a general love of sentient beings… the magnanimity of psychedelic humanism [may]… do no harm to our exceptional place in the biological world: We will be the one and only animal that cares about all other animals and maybe even plants. A…


How red tape… [psychoactives] are buzzkills…

Advocates said a regulated… industry would push out the black market and generate more than a half billion dollars a year for the state… it’s not quite worked out that way; there’s the cost of operating legally, a major reason. For most people out here, the opportunity to participate does not exist. The barriers to…


Magic mushrooms should be made legal in the same way as cannabis… leading doctors say

Leading experts have called for a change in the law to allow ‘shrooms’ to be used in a similar way as medicinal cannabis. …over 100 species of fungi, induces temporary changes in mood by activating serotonin receptors in the brain… the ‘overdue’ move would allow thousands in ‘unnecessarily prolonged distress to access the treatment they both deserve…