
Cannabis research stalled by federal inaction

The agency did not respond to a request from C&EN asking about the timeline for the regulation, but the process is likely to take several more months, if not years. Under the proposed rule, potential growers of cannabis for research have to satisfy a list of public interest criteria spelled out in the US Controlled…


There’s a case for non-medical [psilocybe mushrooms]

Like marijuana legalization, the case for medical use will no doubt push forward the argument for decriminalization and legalization.  It is far easier to convince lawmakers of a medical case for legislation versus a mystical experience argument. However, [those involved] would be remiss to dismiss the non-medical use for [psilocybe mushrooms]. Original Article (Green Market…


DEA [temporarily] has permission to surveil protesters: what does that mean when cannabis remains federally illegal?

More broadly though, [NORML Political Director Justin Strekal] connected this expansion of DEA powers to how the DEA has enforced the drug war far beyond cannabis… [for 14 days starting June 2nd, 2020]. “Drug enforcement agents should not be conducting covert surveillance of protests and First Amendment protected speech,” [said Hugh] Handeyside, a senior attorney…


Singapore just sentenced a drug trafficker to death via… [video-conference]

The Singapore authorities said the death sentence was delivered via… [video-conference] “for the safety of all involved in the proceedings.” Singapore is one of only four countries that still execute people for drug-related [supposed public health concerns]. Original Article (Vice):Singapore just sentenced a drug trafficker to death via… [video-conference]Artwork Fair Use: IamRifard


Can kratom really help boost your immune system?

As long as the user is careful and maintains small and infrequent doses, [possible deleterious] side-effects should be minor and should subdue on their own… you would want to steer clear of kratom for a while [if not indefinitely] if the symptoms get worse. Upon careful research, scientists [claim they] have found or at least…