
…how is psilocybin decriminalization going…

“So not only at her household, but even here in Oakland, California, my mom and grandmother had plants in the backyard that we grew, called them yerba buena, that’s “good plants… I walked into a [cannabis] dispensary the other day, and they already had the products.” -Noel Gallo (City Council Member, Oakland) *image : world-wide…

Modern Culture

How psychedelics helped to shape the Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion is an international social movement that aims to put pressure on Governments to radically change or bring about new policies which will support the continuation of life on Earth. Our method is nonviolent resistance, and our premise is this: extinction, or rebellion? Since launching in October 2018 XR has spread to at least…

Modern Culture

[City] Agenda report

[Decriminalize Nature]…[and various entheogenic communities are]… creating and protecting an opportunity for equitable access by allowing home grows or personal gardens, where… residents can develop their own relationship with nature, free from external influence. …[the approach] to social equity includes bringing general awareness and information to the community, as well as access to entheogenic specific…


Chemical & Engineering news discusses entourage effect

A July 21, 2019 article in the American Chemical Society’s Chemical & Engineering News by Britt E. Erickson… discussed the importance of the entourage/[ensemble] effect in cannabis health. Like magic mushroom fruiting bodies, cannabis plant material includes multiple active ingredients (cannabinoids, terpenoids, and other “minor components”), which modulate its biological and clinical properties.  Original Article (Psilocybin Technology):Chemical &…


Ethical and sustainable access to Entheogenic Plants

[It is possible to]… grow sacred plants, fungi and related materials indoors or in greenhouses around the world. The human right to work with traditional sacred and newly discovered entheogenic plants is seeing increased public attention and policy progress. As demand grows, sustainable and ethical sourcing of entheogenic material is increasingly important. For ethical access to…


Let the buyer beware: Advertised “Ayahuasca Healing Retreats” are not legal in the United States

It appears their mistaken beliefs with regard to the laws of the United States are based upon a misunderstanding of an exemption for the religious use of peyote (another controlled substance) by a legitimate religious organization called the Native American Church, established in 1918. Organization’s misunderstandings seem to be rooted in the belief that because…


Roadman Investments to attend Europe’s largest psychedelic conference

Roadman’s dedicated Health and Wellness committee… anticipates that its attendance of the conference [Breaking Convention 2019] will result in increased visibility to a plethora of potential alpha generating deal flow within this burgeoning vertical. Original Article (Yahoo Finance):Roadman Investments to attend Europe’s largest psychedelic conferenceArtwork Fair Use: shannonpatrick17


Psychedelic decriminalization bids gain momentum in cities nationwide

“There is a lot of tension right now between the city and the unhoused community,” said Alex Williams, an organizer on the Berkeley campaign. “And obviously there are many people struggling with debilitating mental illnesses, and so the incredible power of these sacred medicines to expand consciousness and empathy can be very powerful in bridging certain cultural…