
Is psychedelic drug therapy on track to become as ubiquitous as meditation?

To date, much of the clinical research on psychedelics has focused on their potential to treat acute mental health conditions, such as treatment-resistant depression. But scientists are also examining the drugs’ effects on so-called “healthy normal” populations — in other words, people who haven’t been diagnosed with an addiction or mental illness. In one 2018…


‘Magic mushroom’ chemicals could be legal sooner than you think, if scientists have their way

*mushroom picture not for identification purposes So if the called-for reclassification does indeed take place, psilocybin would go from being treated like an outlawed narcotic to – basically – a prescription sleeping pill. “We should be clear that psilocybin is not without risks of harm, which are greater in recreational than medical settings,” Johnson says.…


This parasite drugs its hosts with the psychedelic chemical in shrooms [and a crystal meth-like amphetamine]

*”the cicadas walk around as if nothing’s wrong even though a third of their body has fallen off (and they are in the process of dying, while infecting those around them” *warning : using psilocybin in combination with amphetamines is NOT recommended. Potential negative side-effects are extreme. The team took great pains to check that Massospora [pictured above] really does contain…


Men who have used psychedelics are roughly half as likely to commit intimate partner violence

A new study has found evidence that men who have used psychedelic drugs in the past have a lower likelihood of engaging in violence against their current partners.  “We were interested in looking at the association between psychedelics and violence for a number of reasons,” said Michelle Thiessen, a clinical psychology graduate student at the University…


Why doctors want to reclassify psilocybin, the drug that puts the ‘magic’ in mushrooms

*note, edible mushrooms denote a wide range of species. Psilocybin is found in more than 200 varieties of mushrooms and has gained growing acceptance in the medical community in recent years for treating depression. The hallucinogenic drug has been shown to offer therapeutics benefits such as alleviating symptoms of depression and helping people to quit…


Magic mushrooms should be less illegal, scientists argue

There is still a lot of social stigma and fear surrounding psychedelic drugs. But properly-conducted clinical trials are rapidly replacing assumptions with solid scientific knowledge, the researchers say.“This area of regulatory science has the potential to facilitate innovative therapeutic breakthroughs by replacing fear and misinformation with scientifically based conclusions and facts,” they write. Based on…


Can psilocybin make people feel more empathy to nature?

Therefore, in the context of the ideals, values, and constructs of the time we are presently living in, it would be useful to frame the imminent threat to our planet’s natural ecology and to humankind, radically, as something along the lines of an “anti-nature personality disorder,” medically sanctioning judgment on individual or group behavior that pathologically…