
Caves all the way down

There is not one universal psychedelic experience that people from all cultures reliably and predictably have … even with the same substance, different cultures frame psychedelic experiences in different ways, leading to different experiences​​Different cultures, then, create different psychedelic experiences, different ontological realities. But the hope of the psychedelic renaissance is that, by conducting the most…


Speaking my mind on changing your mind

Psychedelics are, or can be at least, a doorway to a land of wonder and revelation. I’m not confident that in the hands of the medical bureaucracy and the commercial establishment they will stay unblemished. The deeper genius of psychedelics is their ability to totally undermine materialism and comfortable categories by blasting us into ridiculously…


Canada prepares for legalized marijuana

On Oct. 17, 2018, Canada becomes the second and largest country with a legal national marijuana marketplace. Uruguay launched legal sales last year, after several years of planning .. It’s a profound social shift …fueled by a desire to bring the black market into a regulated, taxed system after nearly a century of prohibition.​At least 109…


The dire need for systemic critique within psychedelic communities

Initially, COMPASS was a non-profit organization that espoused interest in establishing a psychedelic hospice center on the Isle of Man and solicited help from numerous psychedelic researchers. However, after engaging those researchers and receiving invaluable insight and knowledge, COMPASS announced that they were pivoting to a for-profit approach, focusing on treatment-resistant depression.  There is unfortunately a…


The whole fungus: civil

Narcotics Control Board calls for decriminalisation of narcotic drug use. The Deputy Executive Secretary of the Narcotics Control Board (NACOB) [in Ghana, Africa], Mr Michael Addo, has called for the decriminalisation of narcotic drug use. The six-day programme brought together lawyers, prosecutors, officials from drug enforcement agencies, psychologists, students and civil society organisations from Anglophone…


The whole fungus: pills, not.

​”COMPASS appears to have lost their moral one. CAPITALIST would be a more fitting monicker.” -An ECfES Board Member​ Regonizing that, it’s synthetic, single Ingredient, psilocybin pills. Compass Pathways is not giving mushrooms to depressed patients. Mushrooms contain many different molecules.  Psilocybin [ingested, converts to psilocin]… the active chemical that is responsible for much of –but not…


The whole fungus: people first

The fact that the hippie has been sacrificed in scientific analysis for the determination of medical properties of an alleged panacea tells us an important quality of our science – that science is underpinned by relationships of power, and true knowledge, knowledge of what is essential, is undermined by that very companionship. Note : Elder is…