
SITSA … stopped

SITSA will not be added to the other opioid legislation.   With thousands of emails and phone calls flooding Capitol Hill, [the outpouring of action from the kratom community.} you sent a loud message to lawmakers that they needed to oppose SITSA – and your voices were heard. Original Article (American Kratom Association):Sitsa…stoppedArtwork Fair Use: Alvesgaspar


The dire need for systemic critique within psychedelic communities

Initially, COMPASS was a non-profit organization that espoused interest in establishing a psychedelic hospice center on the Isle of Man and solicited help from numerous psychedelic researchers. However, after engaging those researchers and receiving invaluable insight and knowledge, COMPASS announced that they were pivoting to a for-profit approach, focusing on treatment-resistant depression.  There is unfortunately a…


There is no safe level of alcohol, new study confirms

The international medical journal The Lancet published a study showing that any level of alcohol consumption, regardless of the amount, leads to loss of healthy life. “The health risks associated with alcohol are massive,” said Dr Emmanuela Gakidou of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington (United States of America),…


What is the legality of psilocybin mushrooms?

*photo not for identification purposes. Countries where psilocybin is somewhat legal… United StatesIt’s legal to grow psilocybin mushrooms in New Mexico, United States – and there’s even a religious group devoted to their sacramental use ; an established religous organization with devoted members and allies in every state in America.​ MexicoPsilocybin is officially illegal to possess,…


What is iboga and can it actually cure opioid addiction?

Ibogaine (12-methoxyibogamine) is the main alkaloid of at least 12 alkaloids found in the Tabernanthe iboga plant. [One of the alkaloids, mentioned above] seems to activate the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) pathway in the ventral tegmental area of the brain, increasing its expression. Previous studies have found that the GDNF pathway plays a unique role in…


Initiation into a Living Planet

One of the puzzles of climate science is the persistence of the Holocene Optimum – ten thousand years of anomalously stable climate that has allowed civilization to flourish. Science, as far as I can tell, attributes this basically to good luck. I have encountered among indigenous people a completely different explanation…  …that the rituals performed…


One river – the mystery of manna

“Once I tried to explain heaven to a young woman,” she said, smiling, as she poured Shultes a cup of tea. “I said it was as beautiful place, a place where there are no tears. She asked me whether I had been there. I said no. I explained that only the dead know heaven. Then…


Psilocybin Service Initiative of Oregon

*What’s striking is the alleviation of depression occurs from emotional receptivity being enhanced – the opposite of SSRI antidepressants. Despite the recent renaissance of psychedelic science, psilocybin still languishes on the DEA’s “Schedule I” – a kind of political prison for drugs which, according to the DEA, have “no therapeutic value” and a “high potential…