
China marijuana law and policy

*Donald Trump said, ​”The only way to solve the drug problem is through toughness. When I was in China, I said ‘Mr. President, do you have a drug problem?’” [Xi Jinping replied] “No, no, no, we do not”. “I said, how … what do you attribute that to?” [Xi replied], “the death penalty”. … Trump…


Sacred Source Sanctuary: persecuted church or illegal pot dispensary?

“People from organized religions were persecuting me for my belief in cannabis as sacrament. Demanding their secular members invade temples where believers obtain sacrament and learn the ways of peace, these persecutors relentlessly attacked with words of hatred and violence.” — from the sixth of “The Nine Epiphanies. ​This is a confederation of eight… churches…


How does resolving cannabis problems differ from problems with alcohol or other drugs?

Individuals who report having resolved a problem with cannabis use appear to have done so at younger ages than those who resolved problems with alcohol or other drugs, report investigators from the Recovery Research Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). …since so many of the cannabis-primary group resolved their problem without either formal treatment or…