
What has the psilocybin renaissance taught us?

The Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances assigned a safety score to psilocybin far better than aspirin. This score is based on toxicity along with effects of public health. Despite common minor side effects, it does not appear to be a direct health risk… wait a second and read the fine print – it…


…bail set… in Shroom House raid

“Based on the government’s allegations… thought what they were doing was lawful,” said… public defender… the judge set each of their bails at $1.5 million… Senator Elizabeth Steiner said, “This was 100% not what was intended with Measure 109. I don’t think I can be any clearer than that.” She continued, “The therapeutic psilocybin will…


…psilocybin mushroom dispensaries [and health and wellness shops] are popping up across North America

…many people aren’t going to wait… …while the legal status of these shops are in limbo, overall, it’s a sign that times are changing faster than policymakers know how to respond. What’s even more compelling than these openings is the extreme demand for [psilocybin]… hundreds of Portland, Oregon residents stood in line for hours in…

Modern Culture

[Oregon] psilocybin; police make arrests

“Good, I want convictions. This was an illegal distribution of a controlled substance. I wanted it shut down,” Portland Mayor Wheeler said… The Portland Police Bureau said it was up to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to handle the situation but added that its drug task force was aware of the business and looking into…


Oregon mushrooms at retail, no guide necessary

The line to enter Shroom House in downtown Portland extended around the block on Friday [12/2/22], following news that the store was selling psychedelic mushrooms to customers. In fact, the shop has been open about psilocybin sales since before it opened. In August [2022], when signs around the shop still said “coming soon,” psilocybin appeared about halfway…


Psilocybin possession, use, cultivation, and sharing…

“What didn’t get as much attention was that Measure also legalized the possession, use, cultivation and sharing of psilocybin and other psychedelics for those who are 21 and older. There aren’t going to be retail sales, but people can grow these plants and can give away the product and so that’s very different from the…


…psychedelics gaining momentum

…nearly all bills specified psilocybin, 90%, and…. support for the measures has come from across the political spectrum and investigators say… the trend follows a similar trajectory as the marijuana decriminalization effort… while bills varied in their framework, 58% proposed decriminalization, of which few delineated medical oversight, 23%, or training and/or licensure requirements, 35%… political efforts for…


Mushrooms at retail…

Many [Oregon] Shroom House customers don’t see a downside… State Sen. Elizabeth Steiner (D-Portland)… “This is like someone opening a cocaine store…” she says. Ironically, farms already grow some of the best… shrooms naturally without even knowing it. You probably might be growing some in your own backyard right now. Wendy, (as seen on KGW…