
Oregon… learning…

Accessibility is just one issue that psilocybin… will have to grapple with… Psilocybin won’t require a prescription, for example… and growing psilocybin is a magnitudes smaller project than growing cannabis, which Oregonians are quite familiar with. Original Article (Oregon Live):Students in Oregon are already learning how to facilitate psilocybin experiencesArtwork Fair Use: Mycellenz


Oregon… psychedelic mushrooms… shop

Applicants must be at least 21 years old and complete a questionnaire that asks about anxiety and depression, among other mental health conditions.  …shoppers… lining up, in some cases for reportedly more than two hours, to join the Shroom House Society and begin purchasing psilocybin mushrooms. Original Article (High Times):Portland shop openly selling psychedelic mushroomsArtwork…


Microdosing psilocybin for anxiety: How I ‘shroomed my way to better mental health

Today, we’re experiencing a shift in… landscape around psychedelics as some states and cities move to either decriminalize or outright legalize certain psychedelic substances… I set out to learn more about the actual psilocybin experience. …gummies tasted pleasant – no earthy aftertaste or grittiness – and I didn’t experience any jitters or stomach issues. In…


…why they’re… for psychedelic mushrooms

…hundreds of… Portlanders [Oregonians] stood in line… to give a… shopkeeper their money… …we asked people in line what they’re buying and why… to many of the people… on the sidewalk, this was no laughing matter… experts… believe Colorado and Oregon are the first dominoes in an inevitable shift toward embracing [psilocybin]… and dismantling Richard…


…the “psychedelic renaissance”…

We do not disagree that there is a surging interest… of psychedelic substances into the machinery of the dominant economic operating system. …we are trying to understand the contours… of our relations with the sacred… entheogenic… plants… so we can better navigate the complex ethics of what it means to engage… Original Article (Doubleblind):Why the…


Then… ate magic mushrooms

This might explain what happened… the psilocybin reawakened the dormant neural pathway from his hamstring to his brain… just one study has ever evaluated the connection between psychedelics and spinal-cord injury. Psilocybin is thought to be effective at promoting healing because it stimulates neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change and adapt through new neural connections,…


Toronto won’t shut down magic mushroom dispensary but police might

…the regional district manager of Shroomyz called the company’s operations a “medical protest.” While Toronto previously used bylaws to target unlicensed cannabis dispensaries, though one chain has found a way to avoid being shut down, it doesn’t appear the city will target Shroomyz in the same way. After being formally denied a meeting, the delegation plans to hold…


…magic mushroom dispensary…

The city says it has no plans to use its powers to shut down Toronto’s only magic mushroom dispensary after a Toronto police raid earlier this month, leaving the shop still operating in a kind of grey area. CBC Toronto also reached out to Toronto’s Board of Health, which has been vocal in support of decriminalizing…


…on the leading edge of a ‘shroom boom

Long-time drug reform advocate Dana Larsen… was at the forefront of cannabis activism. “Vancouver had a convergence of activism in the 1990s,” he says. Legal cannabis activism, alongside drug user liberation groups like VANDU (Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users), helped to shift the local climate from one where bong shops were raided to one…


…launch of…

…recalls his postdoc years, when his father advised him that psychedelic medicine would be “the kiss of death” for his career. Around 2016, however, there was a major shift around findings showing profound antidepressant and anxiolytic effects among people with advanced stage cancer… another tipping point was the publication of Michael Pollan’s book How to Change…