
A… fight looms over Kratom…

Now, kratom advocates suggest Washington is behind the World Health Organization’s interest – an attempt to end run the federal regulatory process by taking the international route to finish what it could not accomplish domestically. The WHO’s drug dependence committee will conduct a “pre-review” of kratom. The analysis could set the stage for the drug…


Kratom… herb [in the coffee family]..

“Before it became legal, I’d have to hide the leaves under my car seat and they’d shrivel from the heat by the time I got home,” she said. “Now I don’t have to worry.” In Thailand, decriminalisation is getting good reviews from people like Phatcharaphon Thupaphong, a 47-year-old caddie who chews kratom to get an…


Kratom… [prohibition & racism]…

Repressive enforcement of the kratom ban in Thailand… was responsible for about 3,000 extrajudicial killings between February to April 2003. Thaksin’s policy also fuelled conflict in the predominantly Muslim southern provinces where in the following years at least 5,700 people were killed, especially among the ethnic Malay population. Kratom law enforcement in the south of…


Kratom: what does science say about the… botanical?

A 2020 survey of 2,798 American Kratom users by Johns Hopkins Medicine found that less than 3% of respondents met the criteria for moderate or severe kratom use disorder… A 2019 study in Preventative Medicine estimated that “the risk of overdose death is >1000 times greater for opioids than for kratom.” While most morphine-like opiate overdoses are…


…bills on kratom…

Kratom is a plant… that grows naturally… an herbal remedy to help with pain, fatigue… But she worries about wording in the [Oregon] House bill that puts the Oregon Department of Agriculture, rather than the federal government, in charge of regulating it… …[and currently] believes that the federal Food and Drug Administration is the appropriate…


Scientific study… suggests that kratom can suppress/kill cancer cells

…the most interesting finding in this study is that Kratom by itself can suppress and kill cancer cells to a certain extent. [University Sains Malaysia study now on Pubmed]… since Big Pharma makes countless billions of dollars on cancer drugs/treatments, it is incredibly unlikely that any company would fund the research necessary to thoroughly ascertain…


…comments on kratom

…the FDA said the comments will be reviewed as it prepares a response to the World Health Organization (WHO), which is considering whether to place international restrictions on kratom and six other psychoactive substances. Under international treaties, WHO is required to assess the use of psychoactive substances and advise the United Nations on whether they…


“An unprecedented achievement anywhere”—Thailand’s decriminalization of kratom

The Thai government voted to remove kratom from the nation’s list of “narcotics,” making an unambiguous statement after 80 years of speculation on the plant’s role. In a recently released report published in the International Journal of Drug Policy, researchers surveyed over 1,000 Thai citizens about their views on the plant’s decriminalization. The results showed a majority in favour of…


Can kratom really help boost your immune system?

As long as the user is careful and maintains small and infrequent doses, [possible deleterious] side-effects should be minor and should subdue on their own… you would want to steer clear of kratom for a while [if not indefinitely] if the symptoms get worse. Upon careful research, scientists [claim they] have found or at least…


[US marshals office] incinerates 28 tons of kratom

The U.S. Marshals Office paid a hazardous waste company… to transport the kratom from South Carolina to Florida, where it was incinerated at an energy-from-waste facility… Scott Gottlieb resigned as FDA commissioner in March 2019 and weeks later joined the board of directors at Pfizer. Over 28 tons of the herbal supplement kratom were recently…