
These are the 10 most addictive drugs in the world

As the study points out, it’s interesting that legal status doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with addictiveness or harm. That need for accurate information is what drove British psychiatrist David Nutt to develop scales to assess exactly how dangerous and addictive drugs actually are. The ranking of drugs produced by [this] assessment of harm differed from…


…opposition to natural psychedelics & [entheogens/ethnobotanicals]?

A note about psychedelics and hallucinogens – These terms are often used interchangeably, which can be misleading. Many psychedelics [entheogens and ethnobotanicals] do not cause hallucinations at low doses. Therefore, using the blanket term hallucinogen to describe the effects of all doses of psilocybin [and psilocybin-containing mushrooms/psilocybe mushrooms], for example, is incorrect… Original Article (Psychedelic…


Can kratom really help boost your immune system?

As long as the user is careful and maintains small and infrequent doses, [possible deleterious] side-effects should be minor and should subdue on their own… you would want to steer clear of kratom for a while [if not indefinitely] if the symptoms get worse. Upon careful research, scientists [claim they] have found or at least…


Marijuana may not lower your IQ [while possibly enhancing your EQ?]

In Jackson and Iacono’s analysis, marijuana use and IQ were completely uncorrelated, and IQ measures fell equally in both the users and abstainers. Subsequent twin studies, including one performed with U.K. data by the Dunedin team, corroborated these findings of no relationship between marijuana use and a falling IQ. Next, investigators uncovered shared underlying vulnerability factors that explained…


The psychedelic research hiatus and its relevance today

[In the 1950’s and 60’s] psychedelics were of little interest to pharmaceutical companies as the intervention seemed to treat illness, rather than alleviate symptoms. Consequently, the financial imperatives were lacking; fully recovered patients would not require continued medication… Sandoz was reluctant to share such proprietary and patented data (Bonson, 2018). When required by the FDA, the company…


[Does synthetic psilocybin]… cause nausea?

Some participants in studies using pure, synthetic psilocybin report nausea as a side effect of their treatment. This points the finger at [synthetic] psilocybin as a possible cause of nausea… Also, because the body quickly converts psilocybin to its active form psilocin, this suggests that psilocin may play a role in nausea. Original Article (Psychedelic…


Habitat influences psychoactive toad secretions

…human intervention further altered the habitat of the Amazon-Cerrado toads. One could hypothesize that this disturbance could not only affect the habitat, and thus the available food, but it may also put stress on the toads… This stress could conceivably cause them to produce different combinations and amounts of compounds in their secretions by way…