
Drugs : The intelligence war

The War on Drugs hollows out the criminal justice system, and it creates an atmosphere of fear amongst whole communities, overwhelmingly poor communities. Police are becoming more detached from the people who live in communities. ​ The vast majority of the use of informants is not for conventional investigation however. It is for drugs offences.…


Addiction specialists ponder a potential aid: pot

“There’s no scientific reason to believe that somebody is better off being completely miserable and sober than using cannabis occasionally, or even fairly regularly, as an adult and being functional and happy and productive,” said Dr. Reiman, an unpaid consultant with High Sobriety, who added, “Using cannabis is a relatively safe practice.” “Every single treatment…

Modern Culture

How to use a pill testing kit, according to experts

According to Guy, the most important step to take when you’re testing your drugs is running them through multiple different reagent tests. Because a Marquis test will react to different chemical groups than, say, an Ehrlich reagent, doing multiple tests helps give a fuller picture of whether the molecule you’re working with… and warn you…


A 3-part plan to fix legal weed in the U.S. was just unveiled by two Oregon lawmakers

…”Path to Marijuana Reform,” and it reads like a wish list for drug policy geeks. There are three bills altogether. One deals specifically with tax issues related to the marijuana industry; another includes a variety of far-reaching reforms, such as easing restrictions on banking and medical research; and the third calls for descheduling marijuana, which…


…Marijuana is a States rights issue

There are so many other ways that law enforcement can be put to good use rather than to persecute harmless farmers and shopkeepers who are abiding by State law. …there is little room left for debate as to the origin of the marijuana prohibition laws and how they were formulated as a tool to bludgeon…


A puke bucket and an ancient drug: is ayahuasca the future of PTSD treatment?

Combat-related PTSD is notoriously difficult to treat and in theory ayahuasca can work as a form of drug-assisted exposure therapy. When traumatised people repeatedly avoid fear-inducing situations this only serves to maintain and reinforce the deeply ingrained conditioning that underlies their illness. The idea is that by dredging up traumatic memories and exposing them to…


Drug war hits users & abusers with equal force

It makes no sense for a government to claim to be protecting us from drugs while also allowing the most dangerous members of society to control the drug trade. The only way to damage the underground drug economy is to create an aboveground drug economy that wins on price, quality, legality, and convenience, thus taking…