Modern Culture

Which U.S. state will be the first to legalize shrooms?

Oregon is also stepping into the spotlight in this movement. A 2017 bill passed by the legislature moved toward decriminalizing heroin, cocaine, and a host of other substances, including psychedelics. The governor signed it shortly afterward, making these drugs a misdemeanor instead of a felony. Intention matters as well. Treating psilocybin as a party drug can result in unexpected and…


Outdoor-grown weed is not only better for the environment…

The state wasn’t going to allow outdoor farming until… people successfully convinced the regulators to allow sun-grown weed. It’s also the more environmentally friendly choice. Outdoor farming will always use less energy. Indoor farmers need a lot of power to run their lights and fans. Just like the grape vines for winemaking, pot plants absorb…


Psychedelics’ buddhist revival

…psychedelics are controversial in Buddhist circles. But she has found that entheogens like ayahuasca function as spiritual accelerants and can actually reduce addiction to intoxicants.  “I’m still a Buddhist,” Washam [who combines Buddhist mindfulness techniques with indigenous shamanic ayahuasca ceremonies] said, describing ayahuasca ceremonies as a type of “ultimate meditation” that can enhance Buddhist practice and provide personal insights…


How psychedelic microdosing might help ease anxiety and sharpen focus

Qualitative data from the survey revealed that microdosers reported positive effects of the practice including migraine reduction, improved focus and productivity, and better connection with others. In quantitative results, microdosers scored lower than non-microdosing respondents on negative emotionality and dysfunctional attitude.  The data yielded interesting results, including important information about how much of the drug…


Ayahuasca may help patients with treatment-resistant depression, study finds

In this new study, a large group of Brazilian scientists carried out the first randomized placebo-controlled trial with ayahuasca, treating 29 patients with treatment-resistant depression.​ Half of the patients were treated with ayahuasca, and the other half with placebo. “We observed a significant placebo effect, but the effects of ayahuasca were superior, and lasted longer,”…


Narcotics Control Board calls for decriminalisation of narcotic drug use

The Deputy Executive Secretary of the Narcotics Control Board (NACOB), Mr Michael Addo, has called for the decriminalisation of narcotic drug use. The six-day programme brought together lawyers, prosecutors, officials from drug enforcement agencies, psychologists, students and civil society organisations from Anglophone West African countries, including The Gambia, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ghana and Nigeria … Issues…