
U.S. alcohol-related deaths have doubled, study says

Only cigarettes are deadlier than alcohol. The research shows that in 2017, alcohol proved to be even more deadly than illicit drugs, including opioids. That year there were about 70,000 drug overdose deaths — about 2,300 fewer than those involving alcohol Death certificates spanning 2017 indicate nearly 73,000 people died in the U.S because of…


CBD for hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD)

HPPD is incredibly rare… In the 1960’s and the 1970’s, an estimate surfaced to show 1 in 20 people with hallucinogenic experiences had intermittent cases of HPPD. Fast forward to the 1990’s, and it was believed to be 1 in 50,000 regular users have chronic HPPD… Countless anecdotes from HPPD… sufferers vouch for the effects…


Why chronic microdosing might [be risky to the] heart

There have been several FDA-approved medications with 5HT2B receptor activation withdrawn from the US market due to the risk of VHD with heart valve thickening and murmurs: Fen-Phen (fenfluramine/phentermine) and Redux (dexfenfluramine) in 1997 and Permax (pergolide) in 2007. Roughly 25% of patients taking these medications daily developed new onset VHD according to incidence statistics…


Meth use up sixfold, fentanyl use quadrupled in U.S. in last 6 years

Samples testing positive for fentanyl also tested positive for meth rose almost 14-fold… and by more than sixfold for cocaine and heroin. Similarly, the percentage [of] tests coming back positive for the highly potent — and sometimes fatal — opioid fentanyl have more than quadrupled since 2013, the study found. Original Article (UPI):Meth use up…


Magic Mushroom…

Based on what is known about the cannabinoids in cannabis plants… …it is plausible that there is synergy going on between the multiple active and inactive compounds in these mushrooms. Magic mushrooms contain more than just psilocybin … seemingly minor differences in the chemical structures can have dramatic effects on the cellular and clinical pharmacology of…


Psychedelic mushrooms have been confirmed as the world’s safest…[psychoactive]

Magic mushrooms are officially your safest [psychoactive], according to… scientists. Only 0.2 percent of users, male and female, who had [consumed psilocybe mushrooms] reported having to undergo emergency treatment. This is compared to a global average of 4.8 percent of meth users, 3.2 percent of synthetic weed smokers and 1.3 percent of [alcohol drinkers]. Original Article…


Researchers just discovered new psychoactive compounds in magic mushrooms

Scientists highlight a critical factor in the study that the consumption of pure, isolated psilocybin may not have the same effects has mushroomed in their natural form. Cannabis has similar evidence when it comes to consuming the whole plant, which some can create an “entourage effect” that is more potent than consuming any individual cannabinoid in isolation.…


Can a “trip-free” [un]psychedelic still help people with depression?

They’re not only seeking out non-hallucinogenic psychedelics (after all, the hallucination bit might be crucial) but also analyzing different chemical versions of psilocybin that could “improve” on the original model. They plan to use a sedative drug called midazolam, which has been shown in studies to produce a kind of amnesia that can temporarily prevent…


Misreporting and confirmation bias in psychedelic research

Let us be clear: we are not suggesting malicious intent. Our point is that paradigmatic expectations can make it all too easy to cherry-pick, misunderstand and then misrepresent results so as to render them consistent with the reigning worldview. And because the community at large shares the same expectations, such errors easily go unnoticed. Perhaps more worryingly, paradigmatic expectations…