
[A] sacred-scientific, psychedelic future

Every human culture since prehistory has had experiences with mind-altering substances, which could be one of the earliest indicators of religious formation.  The Tassili n’Ajjer National Park in south-east Algeria is home to ancient rock art carvings (7,000 – 9,000 years old) that point to a lengthy, deep relationship between humans and psychedelic mushrooms. These…


…too old for a psychedelic experience[?]

“The FDA has said to us that adult means 18 years. So we have a lower age limit in our studies of 18 years. But we don’t have an upper age limit. Because it’s not about age, it’s about health.“ “One of the problems of the boomers is that, when we got into psychedelics, there…


It’s official: DMT [may make] you believe in God

Less than 15 percent reported “judgmental or malicious” creatures. Almost 70 percent of people said they received some kind of message, task or insight from the entities they rubbed elbows with. Some were given predictions about the future or told the day they would die. Some were shown a way out of addiction.  An online…


Thousands of DMT users report positive encounters with spirit entities, study finds

Scientists don’t really know why DMT users are far more likely to report encounters with mysterious entities than users of other… [psychedelics], but a new study recently published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology may shed some light on this phenomenon. Most subjects said the encounter was initiated by the entity, and most participants also said that they were…


Magic mushrooms as a cyberdelic…

With computers, we log onto the internet. With magic mushrooms, we log onto the ether, the other, the source, or the Logos – the informative, divine voice that teaches wisdom to those who seek it … The result is a complete download of information that you could never access under normal, everyday states of consciousness.…


…why moms are talking about marijuana more than dads

Over half (54%) of cannabis-using moms recently surveyed… agree with providing children – those who are under 17, at least – cannabis for pain relief and other medical treatments so long as they’re being monitored. “It’s interesting to note that dads are the least likely to support the usage of either cannabis or hemp CBD to children,”…


The case for… [entheogens]

These restrictions were not just for children or for recreational use, but for all use, with the exception of very expensive and highly regulated research, and some religious ceremonies—and these exceptions were only allowed after legal battles. These agencies even banned potential drugs based on the existing ones so people couldn’t develop new variants. In a sense,…


Turn on, tune in, cash in, [and examine the heart].

Call it trickle-down transcendence… in parsing the history of psychedelia, there is one distinction that proves, if not hard-and-fast, then certainly very useful. It’s the split between elitism and egalitarianism. And historically, this tension has long compromised our ability to reckon with the broader import of the psychedelic gestalt… champions of the traditional psychedelic trip…


…researchers [adding] worry…

…the use of psychedelics… [are historically] prevalent outside of clinical trials. The trajectory of cannabis looked pretty similar. After years of the plant being buried under a [unconstitutional and unjust] reputation, legal restrictions began to loosen after new research showed promising medical applications. What followed was an explosion of highly branded, startup-lingo-laden cannabis companies, which…