
Legalizing marijuana increases housing prices [potentially exacerbating homelessness and housing affordability for low-income], study finds

As they describe it, the economists found “positive effects in the top of the distribution following the success of the ballot measure legalizing recreational marijuana, but no effect in the lower half.” Why the lopsided effect? The economists say a number of mechanisms could be at work, with a big one being access to liquidity…


…what’s [one of] the worst things that the wellness industry could do to psychedelics?

In the context of a for-profit system, there is a need to cut costs to remain competitive. Could expensive mental healthcare professionals be substituted for digital “equivalents?” If you think that psychedelic integration should be done through an app, raise your hand. Currently, though, COMPASS therapists are using [smart-phone app] – designed “training bot” which helps them “develop and…


Veterans vouch for ayahuasca therapy

During his time in the military, he became heavily reliant on drugs: marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, psychedelics. “I just realized there’s never really, ever, a time for war,” he said. Grob extensively studied the psychological effects of ayahuasca in Brazil in the 1990s, focusing on the UniÃo Do Vegetal church, which uses ayahuasca on a regular…


Oregon lawmakers… [postpone] kratom [regulation]

“This wasn’t quite ready for prime time this year, but I do hope that the advocates continue to work on this issue,” said one Oregon Senator. Kratom can act as… [both a pain reliever and a] stimulant when ingested. It’s made from the leaves of a tree native to southeast Asia, and it’s become popular…


CBD shows some potential for treating opioid addiction

This anti-addictive effect lasted for a week after the CBD was administered. A study in rats published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that CBD decreased heroin cravings in rats that had previously been trained to self-administer heroin. And a small study conducted in humans, published in the journal Neurotherapeutics, showed that taking CBD seemed…


Oakland could become 2nd U.S. city to decriminalize… mushrooms

Oakland, Calif., could become the second city in the U.S. to decriminalize certain natural hallucinogenics, including “magic mushrooms. The resolution applies only to psychedelics derived from plants or fungi, not synthetic drugs like LSD or MDMA. Original Article (The Hill):Oakland could become 2nd U.S. city to decriminalize hallucinogenic mushroomsArtwork Fair Use: Bob Embleton


Behind… Denver’s journey into… (mushroom) thinking

To be clear, shrooms will not be fully legal here. They will be treated the way marijuana was in Denver after decriminalization in 2005: city cops’ and the district attorney’s “lowest law enforcement priority.” The new ordnance specifies that no city funds are to be used to jail, arrest or even ticket someone for possession…