
Is psychedelic drug therapy on track to become as ubiquitous as meditation?

To date, much of the clinical research on psychedelics has focused on their potential to treat acute mental health conditions, such as treatment-resistant depression. But scientists are also examining the drugs’ effects on so-called “healthy normal” populations — in other words, people who haven’t been diagnosed with an addiction or mental illness. In one 2018…


Just the facts: kratom industry clears the confusion for congress

…don’t threaten safe and responsible consumption of natural botanicals.​…support Kratom research initiatives and conduct advocacy efforts to educate policy makers and the public about the benefits of Kratom, as well as dispelling common misconceptions. Original Article (Associated Press and Kratom Trade):Just the facts: kratom industry clears the confusion for congress and PressArtwork Fair Use:  David J.…


PTSD and ecstasy: science and perception

*Women Veterans Monument​ Chronic PTSD is a relatively common condition in military personnel returning from active duty. However, it can be a difficult illness to treat. Some individuals respond to antidepressants such as sertraline or paroxetine, and some respond to specific types of psychotherapies. Nevertheless, these treatments do not substantially help many individuals suffering from…


Understanding the 5 M’s [5 S’s and 5 C’s] of LSD and Ergot

5 S’s[safety] *Safety 1: the ergot fungus pictured above (Claviceps purpurea, Claviceps paspali, Claviceps spp); of various plants shown here is not LSD, but has an ethnobotanically and historically-significant relationship with LSD. Ergot alkaloids are also found in many climbing plants (Convolvulacae), not pictured above. (Rastsch 2005). *Safety 2: The ergot alkaloids can be divided into two…


Life expectancy [in Eugene/Springfield & Oregon]

“The report demonstrates that opportunities for people to be healthy are not shared equally among neighborhoods, even when they’re just a few miles apart in the same county,” according to the Oregon Health Authority.   “This report tells us we have a lot of work to do to ensure everyone in Oregon has a chance to…


Magic mushrooms… entourage effect

…magic mushrooms contain multiple active ingredients…. However, to date, psilocybin research has [been]— myopically focusing on one single ingredient (psilocybin) rather than appreciating the synergistic combinations made by the mushrooms.  Mushrooms contain many different molecules.  Psilocybin [ingested, converts to psilocin]… the active chemical that is responsible for much of –but not all of–the psychoactivity in…