
OxyContin maker to plead guilty to federal criminal charges, [indirectly “pay”] $8 billion, and will close the company

Twenty-five state attorneys general wrote to US Attorney General William Barr last week [mid-October] arguing against the plan to create a government-controlled company out of the assets of Purdue Pharma, arguing that the government should not be in the business of selling OxyContin. The company doesn’t have $8 billion in cash available to pay the…


Militarized psychiatry vs plant [and fungi]

…important revelation can be found in DARPA’s report. On one hand they admit the therapeutic value of psychedelic substances, and on the other, they dismiss it due to the “side effects” they call “hallucination.” Reinventing the medicine wheel is not an attempt to revolutionize medicine, since the revolution has already happened in a prehistoric distant…


Supreme Court declines to hear marijuana case challenging DEA’s restrictive classification

DEA has on numerous past occasions denied petitions to change marijuana’s status under the CSA [Controlled Substances Act]. The plaintiffs initially filed that lawsuit against the federal agency in May [2020], contending that DEA’s justification for maintaining a Schedule I status for cannabis is unconstitutional. DEA attempted to quash the case by filing a motion to…


…[The Oregonian newspaper editorial board] vote ‘no’ on Measure 109’s ill-timed psilocybin proposal

This shouldn’t be a priority for the Oregon Health Authority, particularly amid a pandemic with no clear end in sight… …the measure [estimated to cost over 6 million dollars during the next two years], if passed, would give the Oregon Health Authority two years to work with [a self-appointed] advisory board in developing the regulatory…


No on Measure 109…

I cannot support Measure 109 for the following reasons… there are two different ballot measures this fall that would change state law (and only state law) regarding the possession and use of psilocin – the active ingredient in “magic” psilocybin mushrooms. The proponents of Measure 109 are focused on setting up specialty facilities and services…


The first psychedelic patent troll?

 The term “patent troll” best describes… [those seeking] to extract royalties from other practicing entities by leveraging its patent portfolio [in Cahoots with the Controlled Substances Act of 1970]. On the one hand, [for-profit psychedelic actors are] candid about their lack of interest in clinically developing their compounds in favor of “partnering” with others interested in…


We need to talk about [the psychedelic investor class] supporting the police, the military, and violent white supremacism

…[a] willingness to accept funding from all-things-conservative financier Rebekah Mercer and ATAI Life Sciences’ founder Christian Angermayer, and its unwillingness to speak out against Peter Thiel, the chairman of Palantir and recent investor in defense-contractor startup Anduril. As long as its strategy relies on supporting the police and the military (institutions that exist to perpetuate white supremacism, class warfare, and imperialism) it’s…


…[potentially reverse engineerable synthetic psilocybin “mushrooms” patent] made one investor $316 million

“A very special tattoo – actually my first one ever – for a very special day…” -[said Christian Angermayer]… “Palantir is going public, meaning they will be able to make money on Wall Street while working [with] ICE,” MSC wrote in a tweet. Many of the outside backers that Angermayer brought into Compass are also…


Compass Pathways… a psychedelic monopoly

COMPASS patent… compared to proprietary insulin formulations and asthma inhalers created to increase corporate profits… will share similar issues to “big pharma, big tech, big ag [agriculture], and other monopoly-heavy industries.” COMPASS’s attempt to dismiss the dispute against their patent… “Although Patent Owner does not address the substance of Petitioner’s challenge, after considering the arguments…