
Change, grow, live

We recognise that entering structured treatment is not always possible, or even desired by some individuals, and these people would be most likely to benefit from Safer Consumption Rooms. While we are not currently looking to establish any facilities of this nature, we would certainly be open to working with any of our commissioners who…


MDMA and psilocybin: the future of anxiety medication?

We’d rather stick to antidepressants of minimal therapeutic impact, not because they guard against addiction – they don’t – but because of a puritanical aversion to supplying unearned happiness and, along with it, a deep-seated belief that people who suffer emotionally should just get over it. The idea that people become addicted to what are…


This is your brain on acid (seriously)

“The study of psychedelics is “bringing psychotherapy and medicine together,” says David Nutt, a neuropsychopharmacologist at Imperial College London and a co-author of the first imaging study looking at the effects of LSD on the human brain. “Drug-assisted psychotherapy is going to be the great advance in the [field] next 20 years… Parts of the…


400 people microdosed LSD for a month in the name of science

Do microdoses of LSD affect menstruation? In keeping with the received wisdom, those taking LSD microdoses reported a remarkable increase in feelings of determination, alertness, and energy, as well as a strong decrease in feelings of depression. Interestingly, however, Fadiman noted that microdosing LSD didn’t seem to work out as well for those who entered…