
How… [psilocybe]

If… nervous about using shrooms… [some suggest]… 1 gram dried. Ingesting this amount will feel mostly like a new kind of buzz that simply lasts a long time. Up to around 1.5 grams will feel like an even stronger buzz, but with [likely] no perceptible change in your vision or hearing or in how well…

Modern Culture

Psilocybin magic mushroom dispensaries… a reality in North America

Fast forward a few years and many thousands of marijuana dispensaries later and the same questions are beginning to arise in the new psychedelics space regarding… legal retail “shroomeries”. Recent positive developments in the psychedelics industry have left many wondering if we’ll see [additional] dispensaries selling substances like psilocybin mushrooms in the future. In California,…


Schizophrenia in an evolutionary perspective

One that would, in varying degrees, apply to any behavioral condition – casting the debate in the form of a nature/ nurture argument trivializes it into barrenness at best, and into counterproductivity at worst… it is often said that schizophrenia occurs at a frequency of about 1 percent worldwide… …suggests that schizophrenia poses an interesting…


…[two-year-old] psychedelics start-up targets schizophrenia…

The two-year-old company [states it]… has been tested on 508 people across nine clinical trials… and it has also been tested on rats. Results of the clinical trials have not been published. “RL-007”, previously called FSV7-007, has exhibited a modulating effect on three mechanisms that are central to learning and memory: the cholinergic, NMDA and…


…for a bioethics of psychedelic…

…pre-existing bioethical accounts of mental health treatments are challenged… have [the] ethical house in order before there is widespread uptake… The superficial challenge is that the very nature of the mystical experience induced by psychedelics runs contrary to the mainstream understanding of informed consent. A core characteristic of mystical experiences is that they are ineffable…


Follow one gram… along… twisted path from seed to sale

Occam’s razor tells us that the actual answer is usually the simplest one and that is they likely just got too greedy at all of our expense. [A naturally-occurring psychoactive example related to psilocybin mushrooms, is cannabis]; when you add it all up, our sample gram of cannabis will be taxed up to 45% of…


…psychedelic… health…

…work, in part, in a similar way to traditional antidepressants ­- they affect the chemical pathways in the brain involving serotonin (the hormone that influences mood and can make us feel good). However, they also have a range of other beneficial biological activities, like anti-inflammatory effects… our analysis shows that medicinal psychedelics have a statistically significantly…


…psychedelics: what’s next for wellness’ mushroom…

Like cannabis, the first step toward legalization of psychedelics is to allow them for medical use. As a result, a host of medical startups have sprung up to develop psychedelics for mental health treatment. As for the prospect of becoming legal recreationally… people might have thought, ‘Cannabis is never going to be legal,’ and here…