
LSD: A wonder drug once again?

“Maybe it’s time to take a sober, careful, scientific look at these medicines,” Dr. Bossis said, “to revisit, are they helpful? Are they safe? Are they effective?” With more clinical trials on the horizon, researchers hope to open more minds about the potential of psychedelic drugs, one trip at a time. Dinah Bazer beat ovarian…


LSD has staying power- chemistry explains why

But first, let’s clean up the name because, although LSD is called “acid,” it really shouldn’t be, at least according to chemists. Lysergic acid, a natural product which is produced by ergot fungus, has, as the name implies, a functional group called a carboxylic acid (blue circle), hence the name. But lysergic acid is not…


LSD and magic mushrooms can alter personality making people try new experiences

Many have even reported therapeutic advantage of the [LSD and psilocybin] which scientists described as working in a manner similar to that of antidepressants. [LSD and psilocybin] may be popular at parties but they also seem to have some long term results for individuals. Original Article (Deccanchronile):LSD and magic mushrooms can alter personality making people…


Two leading psychedelic researchers—Heffter President Dave Nichols and board member Charles Grob—report on the toxicity of LSD

From a physiological perspective, however, LSD is known to be non-toxic and medically safe when taken at standard dosages (50–200 μg). The scientific literature, along with recent media reports, have unfortunately implicated “LSD toxicity” in five cases of sudden death. On close examination, however, two of these fatalities were associated with ingestion of massive overdoses,…