The Beckley Foundation intends to study links between microdosing LSD and creativity
It’s frightening how expensive this kind of research is. I’m very keen on trying to alter how drug policy classifies these compounds because the research is much more costly, simply because LSD is a schedule 1 controlled substance … Brain research is expensive and to carry out complementary studies at multiple sites requires a substantial sum of money.
Perhaps one of the most interesting and intriguing effects of microdosing is its ability to induce a greater sense of insight or intuitive pattern recognition, which sits somewhere at the intersection between intelligence and creativity … Participants will receive two microdoses (10 mic) per week over a period of four weeks. On each microdosing day, they will complete questionnaires to assess various aspects of their mood, wellbeing and cognitive functions as well as other tests, including a computerized Go game, to investigate creativity and intuitive thinking. Brain function will be measured using EEG both at rest and while participants are actively involved in those tests. Importantly, this study will also evaluate the safety and tolerability of repeated microdoses of LSD, via measures of LSD pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, including physiological markers of inflammation and neurogenesis. -Amanda Fielding
Original Article (Forbes):
The Beckley Foundation intends to study links between microdosing LSD and creativity
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