
Study: [MDMA] could be far less dangerous than past research suggests

In its pure form, however, MDMA is not only a relatively safe drug, but also one that could provide surprising mental health benefits. In a 2018 paper, researchers describe how American veterans and first-responders who suffered from PTSD showed improved conditions after undergoing MDMA-assisted psychotherapy over a long-term period. The results encouraged the Food and…


FDA moves closer to approving MDMA [sassafras]

Although often overshadowed by its reputation as a dangerous “party” drug, MDMA has long been recognized by the mental-health clinicians for its therapeutic benefit. But there remains a conflict between the DEA, which contends MDMA has no medical benefits, and the medical community, which considers the DEA’s scheduling a “largely blind decision.” Historically, disagreements between…


School nurses can now give kids medical marijuana in Colorado

The state has taken another massive step toward embracing cannabis’s medical benefits—by allowing children to take medical marijuana at school. The law only applies to cannabis oil and other “non-smokeable” marijuana like CBD oil, and requires that students have a medical marijuana card and written permission from their parents and school principal. Basically, the law…


(Federal) Right To Try act (signed) into law, opening door for medical marijuana, ecstasy (MDMA) and magic mushrooms

The signing of the bill follows a 250 to 169 vote in the House of Representatives yesterday [Tuesday, May 29th, 2018), and a unanimous vote in the Senate in August. The new law allows those with a life-threatening disease or condition to use an “eligible investigation drug” that has not received full approval from the…


Scientists call on FDA to regulate, not ban, kratom

In its most recent announcement, the FDA cited 44 reported deaths associated with kratom use as further evidence of its dangers. According to Oliver Grundmann, a research professor at the University of Florida, the FDA’s report “cannot be supported by any reasonable scientific or medical standard.” “Unlike overdose deaths that are rightly attributed to classical…


[Substance] consumption rooms: an overview of provision and evidence

Supervised… consumption facilities, where [currently] illicit drugs can be used under the supervision of trained staff, have been operating in Europe for the last three decades … A number of features are common to the majority of drug consumption facilities, irrespective of where they are located. For example, access is typically restricted to registered service users, and…


First weed, now mushrooms

Just in my short lifetime, I’ve seen marijuana rebranded from a super illegal, black market, highly stigmatized substance to one of the most celebrated alternative health and wellness treatments out there. Will legalizing magic mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs be the next big fight? The next big industry for our state? Colorado decriminalized marijuana long…