
…Rip Van Winkle on drug policy

“Continued, much less intensified, enforcement of marijuana prohibition would be a tragedy. The drug war has created more than enough societal disasters, both domestically and internationally, since Nixon launched that initiative. Millions of Americans have had their lives disrupted and acquired the stigma of a criminal record for doing nothing more than choosing to use…


Meet the people’s champion for psychedelic drugs

“It’s only in recent years that studying the positive effects of psychedelics has gained traction in mainstream media after several well-known studies emerged following a decades’ long ban of its use in labs and clinical trials since 1970.” “He’s been one of the most intelligent champions for psychedelics as medicine,” says Alex Grey, a visionary…


The Ibogaine Institute launches to transform

As ibogaine, the active alkaloid of iboga, enters the body, the process starts to rehabilitate an individual, ridding habits, and causes of anxiety or depression, powerfully. Already regarded as a highly successful rehabilitation center, the addition of Ibogaine treatment to the Washington-based organization has been well received. While ibogaine has been used by centers elsewhere,…


A psychedelics expert says magic mushrooms will be approved for depression by 2027 — here’s why

“I’m absolutely sure that, within ten years, psilocybin will be an accepted treatment for depression,” David Nutt, the director of the neuropsychopharmacology unit in the division of brain sciences at Imperial College London told me last month.” One key characteristic of depression is overly strengthened connections in brain circuits in certain regions of the brain…


How do we reform the police? We talked about it with Neill Franklin, a former cop

“As cops educate more cops and prosecutors educate more prosecutors, the sooner the madness ends.” By talking about the many byproducts of the war on drugs (over incarceration, civil forfeiture, police militarization, poor police community relations, overdose deaths, immigration, etc.), we can paint a correlation for people. This reformation also creates an atmosphere for increased…