
Developing integration of visionary experiences…

Usually, after intense experiences in expanded states, each of us does (or doesn’t do) our own integration. The experience remains in our memory, and when we reflect on it, there is usually a certain echo of what was experienced. These memories can be brought up in certain situations or circumstances. One can feel how that…


Defending MDMA [sassafras] as a Treatment for PTSD

The hypothesized mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy to treat PTSD are not based on its producing euphoria, but rather on its capacity to make confronting trauma-related thoughts, feelings, and memories more tolerable during therapeutic processing with support of a co-therapy team.​ MDMA is a monoamine releaser, but unlike stimulants, it preferentially releases serotonin,…


Small doses of psychedelics might help you solve problems

“Apart from its benefits as a potential cognitive enhancement technique, microdosing could be further investigated for its therapeutic efficacy to help individuals who suffer from rigid thought patterns or behaviour, such as depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder,” she explains. Research led by Luisa Prochazkova of Leiden University in the Netherlands indicates that ingesting tiny amounts of…


‘Microdosers’ of LSD and magic mushrooms are wiser and more creative

Psychedelics microdosing can mean taking five to 20 micrograms of LSD, 0.1 – 0.3 grams of dried psilocybin-containing mushrooms.  We compared people who microdose — that is, who take a psychedelic substance such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) or “magic” mushrooms (psilocybin) in very small quantities — with those who don’t, and found that microdosers had healthier scores on…


To avoid a bad trip, be prepared before trying LSD

Whether or not you’ve tried LSD before, you have heard about bad trips.  For [those] looking to take LSD while avoiding these nightmarish experiences, self-examination is your best bet … To avoid being overwhelmed… recommends that if [someone] is going to take LSD they should always do so with a group of close, supportive friends…


It’s time to debunk prohibitionist narratives and calls for monopolies within psychedelic science

…exposes a blind spot in the logic of [psychedelic] medicalization. While numerous sanctioned psychedelic researchers tout their belief that psychedelics can “effect true healing,” rather than mere symptomatic treatment, their fixation on the individual as a wholly-bound entity, divorced from their environment, misses the bigger picture. While psychedelics may “effect true healing” of the individual,…


How… iboga can resolve and heal childhood trauma

On the cutting edge of human health and mental wellness is the exploration of the effects of childhood trauma on the long-term health of human beings. Dr. Robert Block, former President of the American Academy of pediatrics remarked, “adverse childhood experiences are the single greatest unaddressed public health threat facing our nation today.” …looks at how…